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Apple Censors App Store Rejection Notices 477

isBandGeek() writes "After a few reasonable App Store bans, such as the ones on I Am Rich and NetShare, developers started complaining about excessive restrictions on applications like Podcaster and MailWrangler, supposedly because they provided 'duplicate functionality.' In response, Apple rubbed salt in their wounds by slapping non-disclosure agreements on application rejection notices. Now developers are not even allowed to tell their fanbase that Apple decided to withhold approval for an application. Is Apple confident that Google's open platform Android won't be much of a threat?"

Web Development - The Line Between Code and Content? 156

markmcb asks: "I help design a LAMP web site and I'm constantly plagued by trying to decide on what level should I separate functional code and markup. Depending on what you read, some say embedding HTML in your PHP scripts [or Perl, or Java, or Ruby, or Python, etc] is bad while others say it's no big deal. However, seldom are any practical applications of such code cited. How is your site built? Do you mix HTML with your code? If not, how do you overcome the simple and easy method of doing so? Lastly, what performance gains/losses have you noticed by doing so?"

SQL on Rails Launched 117

Daniel writes "Developers have created a new Rails framework for SQL, SQL on Rails. Check out the screen cast that shows you how to develop an internet search engine with three lines of code. Version 4.1 of the SQL on Rails framework is available for download on the site, and the O'Reilly title is expected to hit shelves next month." ZOMG L@@K at the kitten site it powers!@#!11

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
