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Comment Re:More to this story? (Score 1) 716

Except that what you claim hasn't happened. You really want the wild wild west do you, hard to make money that way. Sadly the wild wild west is full of people that won't actually buy anything. And once one of them has bought it you won't sell very many after that because they gave it to everybody else that even had a mild interest in it. Yeah the wild wild west works really well for some people, but which ones? It's more of a crap shoot than Apple actually. Spare us the crap about piracy actually helping because we've heard it all, hell I've rationalized it myself so many times it's gotten a bit cliche'

Comment So Fricken Laser Guided.... (Score 1) 111

So what you are saying here is that if we can make an explosive small enough we can create laser guided flies that will seek out the spot and land and detonate. Should be good for taking off a nose or ear at least. Better yet a human only skin absorb-able poison that you can dip the fly into then give the target a coating of that light. Bingo one dead target and the murder weapon wings it way to oblivion.

Comment Re:ladies and gentlemen: (Score 1) 557

I suppose I could get the picture frame (used to display my stunning photography) that uses WiFi to get the pictures from a server somewhere in the house but that would mean I have to have one running and using power. You obviously have never used 802.11N with a Windows XP PC. Falls off the network with alarming regularity (the Macs have never fallen off yet) Tried several different adapters but gave up. My Linux box can't seem to reconnect the WiFi network when it wakes up from sleep so I have to manually do it myself If you can give me insight into this Ubuntu behavior please do. It may be that hidden in the power usage stuff somewhere there is a switch to keep the adapter's power on instead of dropping it but I can't find it. I could go more into the short comings of Linux but I won't as that's just too much of a sacred cow around here to bother with. Mac OS X has it's own problems. My point was both that eliminating the PC element and the Windows element led to a more productive and calm environment. You really don't need a general purpose PC anymore running Mac OS X, Windows or Linux.

Comment Re:ladies and gentlemen: (Score -1, Troll) 557

web/IM/email are the *ONLY THREE THINGS* done on any PC in an average home.
After I use the camera to edit and post the pictures to the web the picture frame takes the little memory thingie right out of the camera, so does the printer and the printer lets me copy them to another memory thingie. the IPad plays music while I do the other 3 things, the big screen TV is hooked up to an Apple TV it plays music through my stereo and puts the movies on the TV the XBOX takes care of the games. The PS3 plays the rest of the high end games and plays Blue Ray and the Wii is the exercise unit and also streams Netflix

With this arrangement at my house and an IPad at the parents (they hardly ever play games or stream movies) I don't have to go over the their house and fix their stupid Windows piece of crap that always falls off the network, gets a virus/malware or is being crashed by Flash!

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