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The Courts

Submission + - RIAA's "Making Available"Theory is Tested

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "The RIAA's argument that merely "making files available" is in and of itself a copyright infringement, argued in January in Elektra v. Barker (awaiting decision) is raging again, this time in a White Plains, New York, court in Warner v. Cassin. Ms. Cassin moved to dismiss the complaint; the RIAA countered by arguing that 'making available' on a p2p file sharing network is a violation of the distribution right in 17 USC 106(3); Ms. Cassin responded, pointing out the clear language of the statute, questioning the validity of the RIAA's authorities, and arguing that the Court's acceptance of the RIAA's theory would seriously impact the internet. The case is scheduled for a conference on September 14th, at 10 AM (pdf), at the federal courthouse, 300 Quarropas Street, White Plains, New York, in the courtroom of Judge Stephen C. Robinson. The conference is open to the public."
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - 4th Edition D&D On The Way (enworld.org)

olde_fortran writes: Wizards of the Coast has announced the 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Changes already announced include a new level range (1-30), expanded online content, and a new layout. The product onslaught begins with two preview books released by the end of this year called Wizards Presents: World and Monsters and Wizards Presents: Classes and Races. The preview books will be followed by a preview adventure in May, entitled Keep of the Shadowfell, which will include pregenerated characters and quick play rules. Finally, the Players Handbook will be released in May, followed by the Monster Manual in June and the Dungeon Master's Guide in July. All information thus far is summed up at EN World. Let the "First Edition is good enough for me" comments begin.

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
