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Comment Why blame Apple for Google? (Score 1) 104

Why are you blaming Apple for Youtube? What a weird take - Google is the one failing to properly police their content and they won't because they make a lot of money from advertising. They want less work, more eyes. This sort of low effort copyright infringing stuff does that in spades. Blame Google and their advertising model, not Apple.
Also, be a goddamn parent your children, jesus.

Comment Re:Where did the bees go? (Score 2) 167

It is better for your plants to encourage the local bees, they are far more efficient at pollination than honeybees are, afaik. There are things called bee "hotels" for carpenter bees which helps to encourage them. You can also encourage more bees to your place by planting bee-popular plants like lavender, etc.

Comment Re:Glue, glue, and more glue. (Score 1) 138

Funny, I can buy a Thinkpad that's put together with screws, not glue, for $250 less than the cheapest Macbook.

I mean, nobody's making people buy these things - clearly people see value in them. I don't see why anyone would complain about a company making things like this - unless perhaps, you still wish you could have a mac?

Comment Testing for understanding (Score 1) 252

When are we going to start recognizing that people have access to the largest repository of human knowledge in all of history and start trying to test for understanding of material instead of regurgitating knowledge? At work I have access to the internet. It helps me make decisions and develop solutions. Why are we denying children that? The exams I had to take when I was younger was literally just regurgitating information. Rote memorization doesn't make for a very good understanding of material.

Comment Re:Sorry, but no (Score 1) 479

The sum total of what you "owe" a corporation is jack shit. You are literally giving a part of your life so they can make money off you. It is better for yourself to let your current corporate overlord know that you're leaving so you can get a good reference if you think you'll get it, but otherwise it's not up to you to make finding a replacement easy.

Work to live, don't live to work.

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