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Comment Re:Yes, let's bring that back (Score 2) 259

At least until Moore's Law ends. Dunno when it will happen but assuming the continued survival of the human race there will come a time when our computers are not becoming more powerful with each generation.

For the short and moderate term you can risk relying on Moore's but in the long run all good things come to an end.

Comment Re:Gun control however... (Score 0) 856

Nor was it created to be the land of the free. At least for a large minority of its population. Remember the second amendment includes the words "well regulated" even our founding fathers thought there should be regulation. Individual rights must be balanced against the rights of others, and that is no easy task.

Comment Re:minority report (Score 2) 318

One thing is also G Glass is only the first and not much of a first. It is just a slight step in convenience for having the camera at the ready and on. Nearly everyone has a cellphone now.

The thing a surveillance state requires two things. Mass surveillance apparatus and a single large entity behind it. What will end up with more likely is a surveillance or sousveillance society. Where cameras and recording devices are ubiquitous but control over them is not held in any single set of hands.

Comment Re:Get a helpdesk job (Score 3, Insightful) 215

All night coding sessions while acceptable in start-ups are a major symptom of a business with major flaws in their development practices. Yes development can be unpredictable but if you are having employees forced to regularly stay-up you are scraping by. It might be nostalgic to say we do our best coding then, but we don't and such practices are inviting failure.

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