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Comment What about WRIST WATCHES ?!?! (Score 1) 234

Even if one granted the dubious assertion that all the existing kitchen appliance timers and wall clocks are somehow unnecessary and could be replaced with new solar time clocks, how the heck are people with wristwatches supposed to be expected to follow this scheme? It would be impractical beyond belief. And then you would still equally have the issue of all the legacy electronic and IoT devices that will never have their firmware updated. No, not good.

Comment Re:The Air Force is inventing a helicopter! (Score 1) 101

Detailed answer. Thanks.

If electric is the real motivation, as perhaps it may be, then this article is strange to NEVER mention that once as a motivation for the project. They talk about agility and cargo and personnel capacity and range and speed. But they never mention maintenance, weight, noise, or a strategy to migrate off fossil fuels.

One quibble: thrust-to-weight on motors may be better, but I think that holds only if you are plugged into the grid. If you have to bring your own power supply (batteries), motors are heavier than engines.

Comment Re:Flying Car (Score 1) 101

The only ways in which [electric helicopters] are inferior are range and refuel times.

So the only downsides are two critical characteristics of aircraft.
And the only upside is what? Adding a requirement to have a massive charging infrastructure in place in order to deploy aircraft? =)

Why not just make gas powered multicopters if the multicopter design is the source of all the advantages?

Comment Re:The Air Force is inventing a helicopter! (Score 1) 101

It's not stated that's a goal, but OK, if true, why electric though? Sure, make a more flyable VTOL design if that's the goal. But why eVTOL?

Is the Air Force running low on gas?
Is it better to require having an electric charging infrastructure in place to be able to deploy aircraft?
Is the delay of battery recharging superior to the rapidity of refueling?

Comment The Air Force is inventing a helicopter! (Score 1) 101

...a 100+ MPH vehicle that can go for at least 100 miles, with the ability to carry up to eight people.

I'm entering my new invention... it's called a helicopter. It meets all the requirements!!! I'm rich, baby!!!

The Air Force apparently wants an ***electric*** helicopter. Can anyone explain what tactical advantage an electric helicopter provides over a gas powered one? Is the Air Force running low on gas? Is it better to require an electric charging infrastructure to be able to deploy aircraft? Is the delay of recharging superior to the rapidity of refueling?

1) Newtonian physics dictates that an equal volume/speed of air must be moved to keep a same weight vehicle aloft. So there is not going to be any lessening of the airflow and air disturbance required by the turbines of an eVTOL. Given that an electric car is heavier than an internal combustion car, an eVTOL might even require more airflow!

2) If sound is presumably the only conceivable differentiator remaining, I suspect that money could be invested into low noise rotor and gas engine designs for helicopters much more easily than creating a whole new vehicle class from scratch.

Need a :FACEPALM: emoji here.

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