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Comment PROOOOOOOF! (Score 1) 895

Here is a photo of my house in winter, covered in snow. Here is a photo of my house in summer, surrounded by green, leafy trees. From this, we can deduce that global warming has forever changed my local environment. The snow, which we know from the first photograph has always been here, is now gone forever, as proven by the second photograph.

Comment Re:Have you read what treasonous is? (Score 1) 698

OK, you're right about the treason charge. It wasn't treasonous, just treacherous. What he did in releasing the video was patriotic, to be sure. However, giving an outsider unfettered access, as I said, is beyond the pale. Just because you interpret the scope of the military's Top Secret designation as 'bullshit' (which, for the record, I agree with) doesn't mean that there aren't actually extremely sensitive things in there. When he tried to give Lamo access, he was a) being an idiot, and b) being an anarchist, not a patriot. Had he kept his fool mouth shut, he could have picked his battles more effectively, and shone a light into the treacherousness of the more hawkish elements in the military. Instead, he's going to be punished, and made such an example that I doubt anyone else will try to divulge pertinent information. More's the pity.

PS. The soldiers' actions could in no way be interpreted as being treasonous, using the same definition of treason laid out in the Constitution.

Comment Re:What about Lamo? (Score 1) 698

Let me start off by saying that I think Manning did the right thing, accidentally. Whatever his reasons, his actions were in fact treasonous, and I'm sure they'll try him under that charge. He knew what he was doing when he did it. Except that he didn't limit his actions to releasing evidence of war crimes, he continued on, planning to give an outsider unfettered access to potentially sensitive information that could compromise and/or kill American and coalition soldiers and civillians. Not cool. He was acting as an anarchist, effectively, and he should be tried as a traitor to the country for it. There's a difference between being a conscientious objector and opening the door for the enemy. Lamo was just following his conscience.

Comment Re:Oh no they didn't. (Score 5, Insightful) 636

Oh, no, don't worry - vehicular law has a get-out-of-jail-free card (pun soundly intended) in that, because automobile operation and licencing are a regulated activity, your rights don't extend to cover it. Hence why RIDE programs are legal, hence why so-called 'routine' traffic stops are legal. It's a nice grey area that your local cops live to bask in.

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