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Comment Re:In unrelated news 6 months later... (Score 1) 184

From a cost per playtime standpoint, I'd reckon that Warcraft is a pretty good deal for $150/year. If the average gamer completed one new game per month or played only Warcraft in that entire year, they'd "save" about $600 in that year (assuming $60 for a game) by playing Warcraft.

Now if you played the game as much as you'd play a single typical offline game (and still paid for the year), then yes, it's a very expensive game.

Comment Re:It's a fair point. (Score 2) 185

I'm not really sure if you know what you're talking about. Xbox Live has been around in its current incarnation for 5 years. Not only can you digitally buy the smaller online games, but they even sell (some) 360 games that way now. That doesn't seem to be crashing and burning. I don't think Sony had any major problems before this current one, either.

Also, id as a major company? They make great tech, but as a game company they've been a nonfactor for a very long time.

Comment Re:Fuck off, 70% (Score 1) 280

I'd never work for any company that puts restrictions on my out-of-hours work. My time, my IP, my money, period. It is offensive that they think 30% of the money their employees make in their own time should go to Microsoft.

The reason they do this is to prevent their employees from competing against the company. WP7 apps that get put on the WP7 app store would compete with Microsoft's own apps.

What if your free time was spent creating an Office-style suite that would directly compete with Microsoft for dollars. Should they just turn a blind eye to that?

Comment Re:IRC (Score 1) 491

All those games listed except for Demon Souls are made by Sony, so it's kind of like saying "You can't play Super Mario Bros. on your PS3."

And the sequel for Demon Souls will be available on the 360.

Comment Re:I played through Torchlight last weekend (Score 2, Insightful) 85

Torchlight didn't have, as far as I know of, a compendium site that listed every possible drop you could get. I've recently come to the realization that that is one of the major differences between Diablo (2) and it. Having a list of what you could get gives you goals that keep you playing.

Instead I played through the main "story" of Torchlight and stopped right after. Random dungeons with unknown loot was not a good enough reason to keep playing.

Comment Re:Right on Adobe! (Score 1, Insightful) 731

Apple is only trying to "stop" you when you use their devices. They aren't trying to stop me if I'm using Firefox or Chrome or whatever on some other OS (or even on OS X).

This may be a flawed analogy, but wouldn't it be akin to a company releasing a car that only ran on diesel? That impedes all the companies that sell only "normal" gasoline. They're stifling competition! If you want to use "normal" gasoline, buy a car that runs on that. If diesel usurps gasoline as the standard fuel of choice, maybe it's because it's better.

Comment Re:sound good to me (Score 2, Interesting) 311

I actually took a UFO class in college (Temple University). It was a history elective, one that was exceptionally popular and difficult to get into. The class was positioned as one that mainly dealt with UFOs and their impact (or lack thereof) on society, mainly from a governmental point of view.

Except, that was only the first half of the class. After the midterm there was a heavy focus on abductions, and we had to read a number of "non-fictional" books on the subject. It was a bit freaky if you started to believe it.

Beats me if they still offer this class, I took it in 1995.


Modern Warfare 2 Not Recalled In Russia After All 94

thief21 writes "After claims that console versions Modern Warfare 2 had been recalled in Russia due to complaints from politicians and the gaming public over the infamous airport slaughter scene, it turns out the stories were completely untrue. Activision never released a console version of the game in Russia." Instead, they simply edited the notorious scene out of the PC version. They did this of their own volition, since Russia doesn't have a formal ratings committee.

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