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Comment Re:In the US they call it Scouts. (Score 1) 754

I do not know you, but let me ask you one thing? Are you involved in the Scouts in any form now? What is your basis for saying these things?

I disagree with your assertion that Scouts are a pale imitation of their past selves.

I know our Troop just recently went on a camping trip (really, tents and all) to Alaska. So with your sample size so small, please do not paint the entire efforts of parent volunteers with such a broad brush.

Sure is there a greater emphasis on raising money? Yes, but it is more expensive to do these things with the kids now as compared to 30 years ago. Law suites, insurance, and inflation have made the cost of doing just basic meetings more expensive. Our sponsor provides us with no direct funds, we have free use of the facilities and a permanently assigned room. And we are very grateful for this. There is a nominal fee each year, but that covers the basics. If you want to do more, you either raise funds, or the parents pay themselves.

Comment No advertisements on mobile apps (Score 1) 400

I use the free mobile app from my phone and tablet almost exclusively. I almost never use my computer to connect to facebook any more. They do not display any ads on the mobile apps. How many of their users are almost exclusively mobile and that is at least a percentage of your users that never get to see your ads.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 433

They are called anti-bacterial soaps, not antibiotic soap. Anti-bacterial soaps use a set of different chemicals to kill the bacteria, and since the chemicals target a specific type of bacteria, it is limited subset of bacteria. These types of soaps would not have any affect on antibiotic resistance.

Comment Re:Use a password (Score 1) 367

The problem with not voting for the lesser evil is that none of the parties actually represent my view point. You have your two major parties, but most of the other parties have to distinguish themselves from the major parties. In doing this, in my opinion, I find they make themselves to fringe and extreme in view point, to the point that they no longer represent what I am looking for.

Take the Libertarian Party for instance... Here is their platform: "As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others". This is how I read it, if i want to be nice and help other people, you will let me, but the government will have no place in helping people, because we collect taxes, that would thus be forcing you to help other people. Sorry, but for myself, this is a non-starter, and I thus avoid any of their candidates. Which is too bad, because I think there are some merits to some of the beliefs that they do hold.

So, as much as I don't like either of the two parties, I like the other parties even less.

Comment Re:What about the presumption of innocence? (Score 1) 1590

What defines reasonable suspicion? Sure I will eventually get released, but does that matter? And do not try to distract me from my point by asking me if I live in Arizona or if I realized that I can be arrested by the Feds.

My point is that this is an open ended law that can ensnare anyone a police officer feels is suspicious. And the key word above is feels. That is all he needs to haul me in. Oh, sorry, were my suspicions wrong? So sorry, you can go and you have no recourse in the case of harassment.

Comment Re:What about the presumption of innocence? (Score 1) 1590

What you maybe missing is that I, a legal citizen of the US, can be detAined for some nebulous good reason. And if I don't have my id or whatever paper work proving i am a citizen, they can detain me till it is straightened out. I should not have to worry about being asked for my papers because I wanted to walk down the street.

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