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Comment Re:Who are you refering to exactly? (Score 1) 323

Most of us haven't the time nor resources to go through all the data on global warming. Kudos to you for making the effort.

To your question:

Why is it, when this topic comes up, so many people that are on the side that says human centric global warming is a fact; tend to use the argument that anyone who does not agree with them is a right-wing gun toting SUV driving mentally crippled slack jawed idiot?

Since very few people can become experts in ever field, we rely on other experts. Just as I do not expect my users to know much about how a Unix server works and they don't expect me to know much about how account management works, they do their job and I do mine. When the only climate scientists that argue against AGW are nut jobs and those that highlight them are gun toting right wing nuts, we extrapolate.

Of course there are exceptions. Some right wing nuts don't own any weapons and some drive sedans.

Comment Square Miles? (Score 1) 323

Why would a headline be looking at area instead of volume? They give us some numbers (in statues of libertys). Do we not have any estimates?

It's like people that harp on Antarctic ice increasing, when most of that's because it's warm enough to snow and that new ice coverage is not very thick.

Comment Re:As an Australian... (Score 1) 160

However, blocking political sites on a corporate network is perfectly reasonable.

When a corporation decides to block certain content, that is _not_ censorship. That is a corporate policy that likely includes blocking other political sites.

Try going to http://www.antiwar.com/ when you're next on a large corporation's network and see what the response is. Very likely the content will be blocked because it's catagorized as a political website. Then try xkcd.org and it'll likely be blocked because it's a humour site. The arguement for both those sites is that there is no company business that will be served by visiting them.

Now, if the government was blocking the site to private individuals, we could have a censorship discussion.

Comment Re:What science is behind this? (Score 1) 242

That's exactly how a republic works. If we were to allow federal law to override state and local laws like this we may as well toss out the constitution, form a parliament, and join the commonwealth.

There's not enough evidence of harm to warrant a ban, but some people will have concern.

To touch on the related GMO food issue. I avoid where possible get buy GMO food because I think it leads to a healthier food ecosystem, not because I'm afraid that I'll turn into a mutant.

Comment Re:it doesn't make any sense because (Score 1) 473

And it makes complete sense because...

Dell tech support found that many people did not know what "Ubuntu" is when ordering their laptops. If you've ever worked a consumer helpdesk, this will not surprise you. Keeping the option available over the phone will improve the chance that people ordering Linux computers understand that Windows is not included.


A Flood of Stable Linux Kernels Released 105

Julie188 writes "Greg Kroah-Hartman has released five new stable Linux kernels, correcting minor errors of their predecessors and including improvements which are unlikely to generate new errors. As so often with kernel versions in the stable series, it remains undisclosed if the new versions contain changes which fix security vulnerabilities, although the number of changes and some of the descriptions of those changes certainly suggest that all the new versions contain security fixes."

A Quick Look At KDE SC 4.5 Beta 1 122

dmbkiwi writes "The latest in the 4.x series of the KDE Software Compilation is due to be released in early August 2010. With the first beta of this release recently unleashed, I thought I'd download the openSuse packages and see what 4.5's got in store for us."

Comment Re:Fight them (Score 1) 857

Texas buys the most textbooks, and thus has undue influence on the industry.

Don't think that's entirely accurate. Texas buys a lot of text books and they buy the same ones for all the schools, so they may be the largest purchaser of a single volume.

California buys the most text books (has the largest population). California stating they won't buy any TX tainted text books is therefore a big deal.

Many years ago when I was in TX by population it was 4th or 5th. A bunch of people have moved there (plus abstinence only in place of sex ex), but CA still has them beat.


Comment Re:Epic patent trolls? (Score 1) 89

I can't resist a good car analogy. You invent the electric car that will be the game changer. It would be legitimate to sell or license that to a manufacturer to produce something. But selling it to a third party that sells it to Exxon, who then sues me because the engines I'm putting into golf carts are similar to your idea is where you get to the behaviour of a real patent troll.

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