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Submission + - Jury rules in SCO v Novell (

overshoot writes: Looks like the obese lady in Utah is at least warming up: the jury in SCO v. Novell has returned their decision. It would seem that like Judge Kimball, they don't believe Novell transferred its Unix copyrights (whatever they may be, not that anyone knows by now) to CalderaThe SCO Group.

Submission + - Finally, the jury rules against SCO (

rewt66 writes: SCO got the day in court that they've always claimed they wanted. And the jury ruled that the Unix copyrights did not transfer from Novell to SCO, so even if some SVRX code did get put in Linux (which I doubt), SCO doesn't own the copyrights to it.

Submission + - It's SCOver (

An anonymous reader writes: Novell wins.

Submission + - Jury rules Novell owns copyrights to Unix (

An anonymous reader writes: Groklaw is reporting that the jury in the SCO vs. the World case (actually just Novell in this one) has ruled that Novell never transferred the Unix copyrights to SCO. Where does this leave all the rest of the lawsuits?

Submission + - Novell WINS! 1

An anonymous reader writes: Today, the jury in the District Court of Utah trial between SCO Group and Novell issued a verdict.

Novell is very pleased with the jury’s decision confirming Novell’s ownership of the Unix copyrights, which SCO had asserted to own in its attack on Linux. Novell remains committed to promoting Linux, including by defending Linux on the intellectual property front.

This decision is good news for Novell, for Linux, and for the open source community.

Submission + - Novell has UNIX copyrights, SCO does not (

RichMan writes: The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that the jury has reached a verdict in SCO's slander of title case against Novell. Apparently SCO does not own the copyrights it accused Novell of slandering.
  A federal jury Tuesday found that Novell Inc., and not The SCO Group, owns the copyrights to the Unix computer operating systems used by many businesses.

Comment Re:How many more times are we going to run out? (Score 1) 460

We are consuming a little more than a /8 every month and if every single /8 was reclaimed from a corporation that was assigned prior to 1995 how much extra time would that buy us?

How many years and millions would be spent getting them to renumber or forcing them to renumber through some sort of legal process?

How long is it going to take to transition to IPv6 - probably 10 years or more.

Where is the time and money better spent?

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
