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Comment Re:Perl? (Score 1) 387

perl has a too wide acceptance rate.
Its gnome - where everything good gets removed and replaced with something bloat and with less functionality.
If people complain, they ignore it, because people are tooo dumb to understand.

(another reason i switched away from gnome)

Comment Re:Kill it with FIRE (Score 1) 150

again an unqualified post. You obviously never used java.
anyway do you have any numbers to prove your arguments or are you just a troll/fanboy?

Also ruining mac expirience is just an excuse to say: if done right it could show users mor than apple wanted users to see.

Comment Re:Kill it with FIRE (Score 2) 150

lol no. Just wait for all this cloud crap bubble to burst and people realize that nowadays "in the cloud" means "is online".

And after that people might realize that "apps" are nonsense too as local data is far more secure than havin data online.
And the lack of the ability to process data locally instead of "somewhere in the cloud" aka. online will lead people to want normal local programs to do that stuff.

And with the efforts dome by governments to regulate the internet and lack of usage/interest in online apps this dynamichtml crap will die out.

Just wait like 5-10 years.

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