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Comment It was a double loss.. (Score 1) 652

Had they not cancelled the Superconducting Super Collider, chances are high they would've also beat Aperture to the Supercolliding Super Button which history proved to be just a logical step away. Oh well. I'm not American anyway, my country didn't lose anything because it's never had anything to being with. Woohoo!

Comment Re:stick to your knitting (Score 1) 407

Office is on the way out because everything is becoming Web2.0 or even Web3.0-ized, negating the need for any manually composed document as inter-organization (as well as intra-organization) data passing no longer targets directly other humans but servers that automatically parse and process it. Windows is on the way out because the web is platform agnostic. Document professionals (for those things that still have to be done in document format such as instruction booklets) don't use Office, and most often don't use Windows either.

Comment Re:Thanks for the update (Score 1) 61

Sometimes it works. A few ages ago a friend gave me his old cellphone - one of those Samsung "Slim Line" ones - but at the moment it was uncharged; when I got it charged it turned out it was locked, I didn't have the password and couldn't get a hold of him to ask, so I figured 4 numbers couldn't be that hard and tried my best to guess. I couldn't. Fast-forward one week and I finally get around to asking him about the password.. What was it? 8888. The worst part is that I did try just enetering the same number, but stopped at 5555 because I thought "he can't be that naive". LOL

Comment Re:am of two minds... (Score 1) 199

3D printing doesn't really automate anything that's not already automatic, the only significant difference in this context is that it's cheaper and easier for lower quantities and smaller spaces than industrial methods such as injection molding. Of course patents and copyright will try to get in the way. Thankfully they'll fail miserably like they always do.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
