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Comment I really keep forgetting about ChromeOS (Score 3, Interesting) 133

Every now and then I see one of these ChromeOS stories, and it reminds me that ChromeOS exists. I'm not being catty there, I mean that I really do literally forget about it. That's probably not a good sign for Google. It not only hasn't made a big splash, it's barely made ANY splash at all.

Comment A Portal movie?!?!? (Score 5, Insightful) 208

First of all, that is the stupidest fucking idea I have ever heard, even by dumbass Hollywood standards. The whole point of the Portal games was for YOU to solve puzzles in creative and fun ways. Making that into a passive experience renders the whole thing absolutely pointless. I would rather watch an Adam Sandler movie while eating shards of glass, with Lindsay Lohan's week-old panties wrapped under my nose.

Secondly, does JJ Abrams have blackmail photos of every studio head in Hollywood or something? Because the guy never struck me as particularly talented, certainly not enough to warrant letting him direct EVERY GODDAMNED MOVIE MADE FROM NOW ON. Not since Keanu Reeves has a less deserving motherfucker gotten so much.

Comment Re:Random Randomization (Score 1) 371

The exact same thought occured to me when I read the summary. Yes, there are plenty of crazyball conspiracies out there (and plenty of paranoid nutcases who think every black helicopter in the sky is monitoring their brainwaves). But there are also sometimes when there are REAL ACTUAL conspiracies and cover-ups. It's very easy to become too quick to dismiss everyone who questions the most conventional narrative as a conspiracy nut. But imagine if the FBI had looked at the guys who broke into the Watergate, learned of their ties to the White House, and then promptly dismissed the whole idea that the break-ins were part of something much bigger as just a crazy conspiracy nutjob idea.

Comment Re:It is Psychology, Science! Fact! (Score -1, Flamebait) 371

Most of the environmentalists I've known were just interesting in their own smug sense of self-righteousness. They told others (and themselves) that they were all about helping the environment, of course. but I suspect that was actually way down on the list far below "Feeling like I'm a hero", "Getting to look down on everyone else", "Impressing other environmentalists (and getting laid by the female ones)", "Having something to do besides get a boring job", etc.

Comment Of course HBO are pirates (Score 5, Insightful) 292

That "Game of Thrones" show has been stealing blatantly from the "Song of Ice and Fire" book series for 2 years now.

But if you're going to flag anyone, how about you get those thieves at Fox for pirating music from Jonathan Coulton? I think a fine of $22,500 for everyone who downloaded the Glee version sounds about right.

Comment Re:A *lot* of microfinance is just a scam (Score 3, Insightful) 52

I once heard someone say that you can tell how corrupt a charity is by the kind of car its director drives. If a charity's director is driving a new Mercedes, it's a pretty safe bet that most of your donations aren't going to feed hungry children. So now that's my rule of thumb for a charity: look into the intentions and lifestyles of the heads of the charity and you will probably see its true heart.

Comment A *lot* of microfinance is just a scam (Score 3, Informative) 52

I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I was a big supporter of the whole micro-finance thing at one time myself. Sounds like a great idea and all, right? But then I saw former micro-financier Hugh Sinclair's BookTv segment and read his book and it opened my eyes to how much of this micro-finance fad has become a feeding ground for scammers, con men, and other vultures in the countries they're ostensibly supposed to be helping--and how much corruption there is in many of these "charitable" non-profits and financiers that sell the idea of micro-finance to well-meaning supporters.

Again, I know it's not directly related to the hack. But every time micro-finance comes up, I like to point out this info--since the vast majority of people still think of the subject in very naive and rosy terms, oblivious to the deep corruption that has become so pervasive in its execution.

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