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Comment Site constraints (Score 2, Insightful) 761

What if the site did not allow for account deletion? Facebook arguably doesn't allow this. Maybe you can deactivate, but never delete. Even if it did allow deletion, what if it were some other site that did not allow it. How could the judge order something that isn't (easily) possible?

Now, suppose the judge orders you to give your password, but the site TOS forbids you from giving out the password? Can a judge order you to violate a TOS?

Comment Re:On a philosophical level its just bits (Score 3, Insightful) 580

No. "technically" you are correct. Philosophically you are way off target. Philosophy requires that you think more deeply about imlications, causes and effects. You do know that child porn is created because there is a demand for it, right? Your argument about the flesh and blood predators is just wrong. Maybe not all, but children I deed ARE exploited because of that demand. One might not be paying for it, but by swapping, downloading, and arguably by mere possession, they are enabling contributing to the ecosystem that helps the underground economy thrive.

Comment Re:If that took control away from corporations. (Score 1) 601

Lying back and taking it is certainly an option. Please Enjoy!

In the meantime, I'll argue that it's those demands that keep the thieves on their toes. They pit the thieves against other thieves that will happily swoop in and steal their sweet gig.

The demands you make on the despicably thieving government are precisely what prevents it from being a despicably thieving, rampantly fascist government.

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