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Comment Edge (Score 2, Insightful) 65

I think I got stung by the cancellation of like 3 gaming mags, each worst than the last, when I actually tried to subscribe to one. So I gave up for awhile.

Then, after the third month in a row, buying this "Edge" magazine deal from the UK for like $18.95 at Chapters, I finally pulled the trigger and subscribed. (expensive still but a lot cheaper than chapters)

Worth a shot if you're on this side of the pond and looking for something to read on the crapper!

Edge is the best gaming magazine I've read in years, it reminds me of the old Next Gen, but is probably better than that. You get previews where they, GASP, actually dare to say a game looks like it's probably going to suck. The reviews are well done, and they seem to use the full 1-10 scale. Plus you get long interesting articles on a variety of game industry stuff; retrospectives of older games, in depth looks at various game houses etc.

And it's actually more than a 10 page flyer! And not stuffed with ads.

It's just so expensive (like $80-$90 per year in Canada), but on the other hand it's pretty much the only mag I buy.

Comment Re:Amusing story (Score 1) 1186

That's 5.6 liters/100km in Canada. A lot of cars seem to be in the 7-9 range. I wonder - are they going with silly existing measurements? Our family vehicle was rated at 8.8 lt/100km, and after a year or so the real mileage seems to be 13.4 lt/100km. It might get 10 on an extended highway drive at a reasonable speed.

Comment Gimp is good! (Score 1) 232

I've been using Gimp (on Windows) for quite awhile, even use it for some 2D games and such. It's actually fairly easy to use. Now I've actually managed to click with Blender...tried it a few times over the years and I just couldn't quite "get it". But now that I'm rolling along with that it's quite exciting to be able to do so much for free! Especially since Autodesk seems to own everything else; so it doesn't look like affordable commercial packages will be out any time soon. I may have to donate to both of the projects, assuming they take donations. I own Zbrush 3, which looks like to will work well with Blender now that I know what I'm doing (somewhat). Yay OSS! Still using Windows there, so :P

Comment Re:In Canada (Score 2, Informative) 180

In theory it is free; in practice (Ontario anyways), Bell is the gate keeper. And they don't really keep their gates fixed up very well, actually the gates are more like doggie doors and you can only fit half a person through per month (then they charge you extra). There are also a few cable companies - they have garage doors, but they might only let one person in at a time. (Fortunately we still have some resellers of DSL to help out, they'll give you a few gates and generally distract the gatekeeper while you get your stuff through...though Bell is on to them and with the help of the CRTC they might just close that "hole")

Comment Shadow Copies (Score 1) 781

They mentioned a delay in deleting - could this be shadow copies being made? Actually in general indexing and VSS slow things down a fair bit, are the equivalent services (or daemons I suppose) turned on for their tests?

It's occasionally a handy feature, life saving in Server 2003, but with Vista anyways, for some reason they've decided to not allow the user to determine when to take copies. Like I'd like to be able to do nightly copies; I don't need one every time the system installs a program or whatever.

Comment Uh you'll still be buying Windows Licenses...? (Score 1) 638

Suppose this does come true. You're still paying MS for licensing at some point whether it's a VM or a real one. (I was actually wondering about this sort of idea the other day...our company is leary of VPN access to personal machines, so why not package up a VM and they can use that...their potentially infected machine doesn't actually touch the network itself right?)

Comment Re:Pwnt. (Score 1) 559

I use Mozy also, and I've even done a full restore of 60GB with no problems (though this was due to clean OS installation, not a failed drive).

Then I use Acronis to make a complete image of my machine.

I also (well almost always) refuse to clear camera cards until I know there's at least two other digital copies in existence.

Comment Either way... (Score 1) 613

I'm in a vaguely similar situation. In my current situation if I got cut, I'd be like, "Okay, feel free to call me, my consulting rate is $200/hr."

Eventually they'd call:

- other guy:
  - can handle basic help desk - sure
  - can manage citrix/TS - no
  - can manage ERP - no
  - can deal with scripts - no
  - can perform complex troubleshooting - no

Lucky for him, he doesn't report to me!

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