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Comment Re:Microsoft and open source (Score 1) 333

no one actually uses Linux on desktop

I must say: I'm surprised to hear you say that I am "no one". I run linux as my primary OS, and have for years. I most certainly do not think that I am representative of the average computer user, nor are my friends, but I have more friends running Linux on their personal computers than those running windows.


Submission + - Hitachi announces world's first 4TB hard drive (geek.com)

An anonymous reader writes: If you’ve been trying to wait out the high prices before buying a new, big hard drive, the flooding may have actually been a blessing in disguise. While 3TB drives have been the biggest available until now, Hitachi has just set the bar higher with not one, but two 4TB drive announcements.

The new drives carry the names Deskstar 5K4000 and Touro Desk External Drive. As you’ve probably guessed, the 5K4000 is the 3.5-inch internal version that ships with a 32MB cache and uses CoolSpin technology to save power–a 28% saving when compared to a 7,200rpm Deskstar 7K3000. That’s a bit misleading though, as this new drive is thought to max out at 5,900rpm.

Submission + - Site Offers History of Torrent Downloads by IP, Fi (krebsonsecurity.com)

tsu doh nimh writes: You may have never heard of youhavedownloaded.com, but if you recently grabbed movies, music or software from online file-trading networks, chances are decent that the site has heard of you. In fact, you may find that the titles you downloaded are now listed and publicly searchable at the site, indexed by your Internet address. So far, youhavedownloaded.com has recorded more than 50 million unique Internet addresses belonging to file-sharing users. The site is searchable by file name and by Internet address. When you visit, it automatically checks and lets you know if your Internet address is in the database.

Submission + - Smart Power Grids To Treat Energy Like Data (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: "A Japanese consortium plans to develop large-scale energy grids that will handle power the way the Internet handles data. 'This is a mechanism that will allow electricity to be sent out, or transferred back in any direction as required. This is something that doesn't exist in current smart grids, which are only really used to monitor electricity,' said Rikiya Abe, a Tokyo University professor who serves as representative director of the consortium. The group will build experimental systems next year, and aims to launch large grid services to try out the concept after three years."

Submission + - CERN to announce Higgs boson observation at LHC (extremetech.com)

MrSeb writes: "Tomorrow, at 9am EST, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland are expected to announce, with fairly strong certainty, that they have observed the Higgs boson “God” particle at a mass-energy of 125 GeV. For just over a week, rumors have been rife that observations with 2.5 to 3.5 sigma certainty (96% to 99.9%) have been made. For it to be declared an actual discovery, however, a sigma level of five has to be recorded. A score on the higher end of the range, towards 3.5, would definitely have particle physicists, engineers, scientists, and philosophers jumping around excitedly, though. If the Higgs boson has been observed, its mass of 125GeV will probably prove to be the most interesting factor. 125 GeV wouldn't require the complete rewriting of the Standard Model of particle physics, but it would be interesting enough to fuel some very cool theories."

Comment Re:Serious Questions (Score 2) 230

The actual badge will likely be something like the slashdot icon that appears with my user name (though it will clearly be the sponsor's logo, not slashdot's. As that by itself would be easily overlooked, we will also have a different color for the header above their comments.

Comment Re: Distinguishing difference here (Score 1) 230

You make an excellent point here, and I agree with you. I do think that it will be very important for the sponsor's to ensure that the person they select to be their representative be actually knowledgeable on the topic at hand. I don't think that I as a developer here will be able to enforce that, and I'm not even sure that the sales people and executives can really force potential sponsor's to provide a liaison who is really an expert. That having been said, as I believe your comment bares out, sponsor's who do not provide a high quality liaison to the discussion will likely feel the effects rather quickly.

To be up front: we probably will not have everything squared away and perfect the first time, but if this concept does get some traction, we should get better over time, and its these types of frank conveersations between our readers and our staff (both editorial and engineering) that will help us get there.

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The Tao is like a stack: the data changes but not the structure. the more you use it, the deeper it becomes; the more you talk of it, the less you understand.
