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Comment Outlook? (Score 3, Insightful) 503

It depends on what you're doing with email and calendar. MS Office includes Outlook, after all, and if your office is using Outlook/Exchange as its email solution then you could hit a big problem in the transition.

OOo is a good replacement for the document preparation parts of Office, with a much less irritating UI than Office 2007, but email is a problem.

Comment Re:Really bad review (Score 1) 523

The thing that got me was that they seemed to place a premium on "comfort" keyboards, mentioning cushy keys as an advantage. "Cushy" to me means "squishy", which is the exact opposite of the crisp action that I (and apparently many others here) want from a keyboard.

However, the article was useful from one point of view - I now have a list of keyboards to avoid.

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