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Comment Re:Last Sentence (Score 1) 322

If the government already knows about the evidence, they don't need me to provide it.

The issue arises when the officials know about the evidence but they don't have direct access. For example, you keep a set of books for illegal activities. An undercover agent saw the books when you were interacting with someone but didn't get a look at the whole book. That's an example where they can compel you to produce the books even though they don't know what's in the books. Or, an officer pursues you into your house, and sees you throw something in a wall safe and lock it. You can be compelled to open the safe in that case. But, for example, if that same thing happens but you went into someone else's house, tossed it in their safe and locked it, you could make a reasonable argument that you can no longer assist in discovery because you don't know the combination to a safe you don't own, and in that case you can't be compelled under contempt to provide the combination to that safe.

In the case at hand, the prosecutors couldn't prove that he actually had access to the decryption key for the device and having that key would implicate him, so they can't hold him in contempt if he says he's unable to provide it.


Comment Re:No you don't. (Score 1) 631

He should have qualified this because he didn't consider easy-go singletons in his comment, but the cost of a move isn't the only cost of moving. If you rent, you need to get a new place, and unless you can arrange it pretty well you'll need cash reserves because you won't get your deposit on the old place before you need to sign for the new place. If you own your real estate, then the cost jumps by a huge margin. If your place is bigger than you can fit in a U-Haul truck, you'll have to arrange for more, and in that case one other person is also not going to be enough to move it all so that adds more unless you can get free help. Add all the expenses involved in a change of address and the trouble in things like house/apartment hunting and maybe changing schools for the kids and that just adds to the tab.

So, for a large swath of people, moving is a very expensive prospect so the tax load would have to be pretty onerous to motivate relocation.


Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 1) 1121

If you were serious, you'd consider that people who are born religious can change to atheistic (and vice versa) and that religious people can act in multiple ways (for example, by voting to maintain separation of church and state) so there's no real issue with the circumstances of someone's birth.


Comment Re:Security is built into hardware not copyright (Score 1) 317

If I own a medical device, utility meter, safety system, casino game, ATM, airplane navigation system, etc... then I absolutely should be allowed to do whatever I want with it. But none of us own most of those things.

I don't agree. The problem here is that you're thinking like an honest person, and that's where a lot of these things fail. For example, if you own a casino game, then there's a reasonable understanding that you're following the rules and regulations concerning casino games laid out by your government, and therefore there has to be some way to prevent you from sidestepping the regulations and changing the odds, for example, so you're not defrauding people who wouldn't play your game if they knew what you did to it. The same is true of safety systems so that an airline can't cut out a safety interlock to save fuel or a utility company to overcharge their customers or a convenience store owner who skims credit card numbers in their ATM. In all these cases, the owner of the device needs to be restricted from changing something that they directly own due to rules outside their ownership.


Comment Re:Waiting for the other shoe (Score 1) 437

It's not exactly a Ponzi scheme because no new member is directly paying old members through the scheme. They are all increasing the value of shiny rocks however, as they become more commonly used. The only problem is that those shiny rocks have absolutely no use, and do not produce anything (that's why I didn't say gold; gold has uses).

This is the malfunction in your logic. Currency has use in the simple function of currency, as shown by paper money. It facilitates exchange, and therefore makes general commerce easier. To wit, what any currency, Bitcoin or shiny rock, "produces" is a better functioning economy. If Bitcoins have some advantage over other currencies, then they have an intrinsic value through that added (usability/portability/anonymity/whatever the advantage is). So in your example, shiny river rocks have a value in that everyone agrees to use them as a medium of value exchange, and that makes commerce move more efficiently.

While it's fun for as long as it works, one day people might realize they could use something else than shiny rocks, and their values will drop.

This is true of any currency. In fact, the rise and fall of currency values is a market unto itself. Even virtual currencies follow this pattern, as evidenced by the markets for both legitimate exchange (Bitcoin or Linden Dollars) and illegitimate (WoW gold or other game currencies).


Comment Re:Natural monopolies (Score 1) 582

In that sense, we should look at the post office as being no different from any other utility. How are other utilities succeeding while the post office fails?

The demand for most other utilities hasn't dropped off precipitously in the last two decades and other utilitied haven't been called on to operate at a loss for many years (if you think that they're not running at a loss, try getting any other company to deliver a letter for 46 cents in any time frame, much less in the usual time for the post). Also, the USPS is cutting back on Saturday delivery, which is a far cry from failing. Are you proposing that a for-profit business has never trimmed back less productive hours to save money?


Comment Re:What's wrong with 19" square monitors! (Score 1) 210

That's because you're stuck thinking in consumer terms. The general public doesn't buy small 1080p screens but industry buys them in piles. Try outfitting a fleet of buses or planes, or doing displays for ad kiosks and suddenly you'll notice how many small hi-def screens get made and sold every year.


Comment Re:Provoking (Score 1) 1130

This doesn't square at all. Sherman wasn't fighting against an enemy who was a small percentage of the general population, hiding among them and coercing their cooperation. He was marching through what was essentially an enemy country where virtually everyone in his path was openly hostile to him. Contrast this to Afghanistan, where the Taliban doesn't represent the official government and a large portion of the population doesn't want them there, but the civilians are caught in the middle and selling out insurgents draws retaliation. Given that, you're never going to win through a "march to Kabul" because you'll be creating more enemies than you kill.

Carrying on to your example of Stalin, what he did had little to do with what we want in Afghanistan. I'd be willing to bet that if we decided to annex Afghanistan entirely, conquering it and putting it directly under U.S. rule to the point of forcing everyone to learn English and shooting anyone who spoke out against the United States openly (which is what Stalin did to Eastern Europe, if you'll recall), I bet we'd have about the same level of luck as the Soviets did with it. Since we don't want to turn Afghanistan into a prisoner state but would rather that the elected government stay in power, we have to play that a bit differently.


Comment Re:Provoking (Score 1) 1130

The United States isn't anything like the country was in 1860. Trying to use the way the Civil War developed as a marker for these days doesn't work because the country as a whole is a lot more homogenous than it was before the Civil War, and the war itself changed how the American people see and deal with internal struggles. Coming up with any ideal that so strongly divides large sections of the U.S. and follows any reasonable geographical lines (secession doesn't work if the disagreeing people live amongst each other) would take a sea change in the attitude of the American people, and mass communication put that idea to bed more than fifty years ago.


Comment Re:Provoking (Score 1) 1130

This doesn't make any sense at all. The Taliban etc. don't have any leverage at all toward driving us out other than trying to make it economically annoying to the American people so we'll leave. The only reason their kill numbers are anywhere near ours are because unlike in Vietnam, we're unwilling to scorch the Earth to defeat them. If the general population in their area was actively against them rather than cowed into hiding or defending them, the Taliban would cease to exist within a week. So the point stands in that small arms don't work against a full military with public support, and if a U.S. separatist group had the same level of support from the people living near them that the Taliban gets in Afghanistan, the U.S. military wouldn't be attacking them because they'd have a big enough voting bloc to make Congress stop.


Comment Re:This will obviously help. (Score 1) 511

You're overextending the statement. The statement indicates that this law isn't going to be as useful in preventing this sort of thing as parents taking better responsibility for their kids' online contacts and the kids themselves being more careful (presumably because their parents taught them to be). This isn't Grampa we're talking about, it's a random person in an online game, and keep in mind that most "kids" who play online games aren't first graders who don't have a clue, they're young teens who can reasonably be expected to understand the dangers if their parents put effort into it. So yeah, there's a responsibility that falls on the parents and kids themselves that would be far more effective than this law.


Comment Re:Why would that be the first step? (Score 1) 206

This still isn't a reasonable argument. Comparing Iran to the USSR makes no sense because you're trying to compare a small nation trying to build up a supply of fissionable material in secret while being opposed by forces far greater than themselves, to a superpower nation state that was willing and able to spend a huge portion of its resources on its military entirely unopposed. Sure, it takes a huge facility to produce fissionable material, but by the time the Soviets had learned how to build nukes (it wasn't a solved problem when they were doing it) they had built the facilities necessary to make them and there's no rational argument that they wouldn't have thought it worth committing the resources to building a vast array of nukes. On top of that, they had thirteen years between their first test and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and they have the largest stockpile of nukes on Earth (currently more than 4000 warheads and that's after decades of disarmament efforts and the dissolution of the Soviet Union), and I have difficulty buying that they built them all after 1962.


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