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Comment Re:Excited (Score 2) 276

Beef Jerky. Reasonably low fat and low carb and mostly paleo diet. "Cow Chip" might actually sell as an extreme marketing term.

I once made a meatloaf in a Pyrex pie plate. When I served it I discovered why meatloaf is traditionally formed into a rectangle, when my son said "Mmm, cow pie!"

Comment Re:Cookie Cutter Concrete (Score 5, Insightful) 253

Geez...just what we need...MORE cookie cutter homes that all look the same...

You've got that backwards. Printing homes mean far more customizations. Bespoke your heart out on Sketchup, send it to be validated by a building code / physics model, and off to the printer. A room shaped like Einstein's hollowed out head? A bas-relief tribute to your dog on the living room wall? No problem! Try getting that kind of flexibility from a conventional contractor for conventional prices.

Comment On the internet nobody knows you're an old dog. (Score 2) 435

Remote jobs are your friend. I left programming for ten years, and when I returned found that my age and lack of recent experience was a definite handicap. Then I applied for a telecommuting job (advertising for a 'young' developer) and found that they really only cared about my coding chops and how well I play with others, but not much else. They never saw the gray beard. By the time they discovered that I'm not young anymore, it didn't matter. And it turns out that I really like working at home, and would hate returning to a cubicle.

Comment Re:Experienced only? (Score 1) 948

(...if they're large enough for age discrimination laws to apply, acting on that sentiment is illegal)

Not if they're discriminating against younger people. In the U.S. federal age discrimination laws only protect older people from discriminating in favor of younger people, and generally explicitly allow the reverse. This is in line with the primary purpose of government (as divined from analysis of actual spending) as transferring wealth from younger to older people.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 709

HOW does net neutrality hinder profits ?

For one thing it would outlaw ISP business models that filter by content, such as walled gardens for children, Christians, Muslims, atheists, liberals, conservatives, etc. As in meatspace, there are good -- and potentially profitable -- reasons for building walls in cyberspace.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 709

It's true the Republicans got in and killed the fairness principle that said that broadcast media had to be fair and balanced as part of the agreement that they can license the 'publicly owned' airwaves, and presto, Fox "News".

Fox News is on cable. It doesn't use the airwaves. It is not regulated or licensed by the FCC. It would therefore not have been subject to the Fairness Doctrine.

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