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Comment Re:Resistance is the answer (Score 1) 209

at least on the web, things are moving toward local browser databases. the idea is that websites can write app data to your browser db, so it's your cpu doing the work. maybe in the future instead of signing up with a website and storing your personal data with them, you store it in your browser and websites query you for the info. there are too many security issues with local browser dbs to do that now, though.

Comment Re:And the rockets red glare (occult & war) (Score 1) 173

you can be immune to most forms of suggestion if you're aware of them. this works for nlp techniques too. if you understand at the same level as a marketer why this color red, on this shelf, in this store, etc., then the suggestive power of those things have no effect on you. if you know that milk is at the back of the store so you'll be susceptible to impulse shopping on your way to get it, you are much less susceptible to that impulse shopping. if you understand that governments induce jingoism in times of crisis to prevent panic and chaos and keep people cohered, you're less likely to need comfort from a flag sticker on your bumper. if you don't understand that, then "the constraint of the organization will no longer be felt by" you. ignorance is bliss, but then you're basically a marionnette. i still respond to lots of marketing ploys, but usually consciously. sometimes propagandists are trying to get you to do something you want to do anyway.

Comment Re:And the rockets red glare (occult & war) (Score -1, Offtopic) 173

you missed a few:

"Our overriding purpose, from the beginning right through to the present day, has been world domination — that is, to build and maintain the capacity to coerce everybody else on the planet: nonviolently, if possible; and violently, if necessary. But the purpose of our foreign policy of domination is not just to make the rest of the world jump through hoops; the purpose is to facilitate our exploitation of resources. And insofar as any people or states get in the way of our domination, they must be eliminated — or, at the very least, shown the error of their ways." -- former Attorney General Ramsey Clark

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark:

"We still have twenty-two commissioned Trident nuclear submarines, which are first-strike weapons. Any one of those submarines can launch twenty-four missiles simultaneously. Each of those missiles can contain as many as seventeen independently targeted, maneuverable nuclear warheads. And each of those warheads can travel seven thousand nautical miles and supposedly hit within three hundred feet of its predetermined target. If we fire them in opposite directions, we can span fourteen thousand nautical miles: halfway around the world at the equator. This means we can take out 408 centers of human population, hitting each with a nuclear warhead ten times as powerful as the bomb that incinerated Nagasaki."
Question: "This is all from one submarine?"
"One submarine."

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering, Nuremberg Trials

"In the midst of increasing mechanization and technological organization, propaganda is simply the means used to prevent these things from being felt as too oppressive and to persuade man to submit with good grace. When man will be fully adapted to this technological society, when he will end by obeying with enthusiasm, convinced of the excellence of what he is forced to do, the constraint of the organization will no longer be felt by him; the truth is, it will no longer be a constraint, and the police will have nothing to do. The civic and technological good will and the enthusiasm for the right social myths — both created by propaganda — will finally have solved the problem of man." -- Jacques Ellul

no better place to learn about propaganda than jacques ellul, really.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 110

oh look, another person who can't read:

As most people know, space is a pretty nasty place to hang out. Between the monstrous temperature extremes, crippling radiation, and risk of impact with all manners of space junk and micro-meteorites, it’s hard enough for a full scale spacecraft to survive, let alone a smartphone. While these risks can be mitigated by adding shielding to separate the internal electronics from the hellish environment outside, this unfortunately adds considerable weight to the vehicle. Added weight means it takes more energy to put the craft into orbit, which in turn means higher costs.

In the case of our intrepid Nexus phones, the issue is being tactfully ignored. As these are test missions, NASA isn’t concerned about the long-term viability of these craft, and only expects them to last a few weeks or months. Due to their low orbits and lack of thrusters to increase their altitude during the mission, the Nexus-powered satellites will be falling back down to Earth within a year anyway. Even if they were built to better withstand the extremes of space, they would still just burn up in the atmosphere before too long.

Assuming the success of this upcoming mission, future smartphone based spacecraft will likely be designed for longer duration missions, with better shielding and redundant systems. But first we need to see if it will even work...

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