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Comment Exclusives don't matter (Score 1) 25

The PS5, XBox, and PC Gaming are all competing with specs, not any particular titles anymore.

Nintendo doesn't compete on specs, so they focus on exclusive content. They create novel hardware and then build games around that hardware.

There's no functional difference between PS5, XBox, and PC. It's just about how much money you're willing to spend to have some better graphics quality. The only key difference that most people probably don't care about are the buttons. If your language is figure based then the PS buttons are natural. If your language has a sequence of letters, then the XY,AB buttons make more sense. But if you get used to it, it doesn't matter. The XBox and Nintendo just flip the button order. YX vs XY. Seeing the square on the screen telling me to push the button on a PS does absolutely nothing for me to tell me what physical button to press.

If you just play games and don't care about the graphics, then no, it's not that exciting.

However, what the PS5 has is a VR headset that competes with the best available. So if you want to experience modern VR, the PS5 setup is about half the price of a comparable PC setup.

While the Oculus has great specs for the display, it lacks computational power.

Comment What's the Price (Score 2) 70

I switched to the much more powerful ESP8266 because knock off Nano's from China went too far up in price to make sense for what I'm using them for. The ESP8266 was much cheaper and much more powerful.

What the Nano has is more pins and more analog pins. It's great for real world sensors where you don't need a lot of program memory and just need to read pins and store values on an SD card.

If the new board isn't better than the ESP boards and costs more, it's going to continue to lose relevance.

SparkFun lost all relevance when they started using expensive proprietary connectors for their boards instead of standard dirt cheap connectors that were well established.

Both companies seem more interested in making money than in serving any particular community.

Comment Spend more money, get more power, okay. (Score 0) 81

The RaspberryPI is built to price.

Obviously you can get more power if you're willing to spend 2x-3x the price.

It's not an alternative, it's an entirely different product with entirely different goals.

The biggest reason the PI is lagging on CPU power is because of heat. It needs to run reliably even with passive cooling. A more powerful device is going to need a spinning fan to keep cool and that's a moving part that can and will fail.

Comment Re:So let me get this straight (Score 0) 81

If you're fired "for cause" you don't get unemployment.

You're counting on another round of mass layoffs. But with performance reviews, that is the "cause" to avoid paying people severance and other benefits that are required to be paid when a company is just cutting costs.

And no, it doesn't really matter anyway. It's like a school's "permanent record." You move on to a better company.

Comment Good (Score 1) 221

The South didn't industrialize until slavery was abolished.

Companies that don't invest in automation so they can have fewer and better paid workers are buffoons.

Automation, better pay, better jobs, better working conditions always follow fights for worker's rights.

Capitalists are so brain broken they cling to cheap labor rather than invest in machines even though, in the long run, automation boosts their profits and makes life better for workers.

Comment Derivative Works (Score 2, Interesting) 149

The problem with AI is that it's training on copyrighted material to generate derivative works without attribution, compensation or even permission of the original artists.

It should be illegal to train AI on copyrighted material without permission of the artists.

This is why artists are coming forward and complaining because it's obvious their art was used to train the robot.

Comment Frozen Vegetables (Score 1) 150

are better than "Fresh" because they're frozen at the farm aren't aren't rotting in a truck.

Rice, chicken, and frozen vegetables are cheap and perfectly healthy. Drink more water. Stay away from sugary crap.

Salad dressing makes a good sauce to cook chicken in to add flavor.

Some of the reason people buy an $8 burger instead of making a $2 sandwich at home is because of time and materials required to prep. You don't need to eat the healthiest freshest foods, you just need to stay away from the garbage.

Comment Big Difference (Score 1) 40

In the Virtual World, the admins have global monitoring at their fingertips. They can have people flipping through areas to observe and report. "Private" areas with only a few participants should be the highest priority for regular monitoring. Put moderators in an area for 5 minutes to listen in and look around and then auto transport them to the next space with an option to stay longer or go on break.

Comment Rich People and Their Toys (Score 1) 302

He's probably realized he can't get out of it and having his own massive private platform to run how he wants is probably interesting enough for him to just stop futzing around.

Shareholders are probably a bigger drag on Twitter than public sentiment.

Truth Social is imploding making it clear you can't just build a platform from scratch no matter how rabid your fans are and there are no serious alternatives for conversation that doesn't just invite degenerate racists and bigots.

Comment Run your own server, scream on a corner (Score 2) 183

A baker doesn't have to bake your cake, a hoster doesn't have to host your take. Nobody is stopping you from putting web-server software on your own computer and making it publicly accessible on your own internet connection. If you can't be bothered to figure out how to securely set up a server on your own internet connection, then you are free to print pamphlets or shout your opinions on a corner.

Since Windows 10, IIS has been perfectly sufficient to be used to run your own web-site on your own computer and post whatever you want.

Comment Backwards (Score 3, Insightful) 218

Learning math helps you with programming, not the other way around.

I was able to apply Trig in high school and derived 2D rotation and translation equations using my TI-85 back in the late 90's. I had a little demo moving and rotating around a wireframe track.

It makes no sense to go the other way of teaching trig through programming. Programming is an application of math. Lots of domains require different levels of math. And then coding can be used to reduce workloads by automating calculations.

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