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Comment So the government is a victim of itself? (Score 1, Interesting) 193

Both sides won't compromise so its both party's fault. Meanwhile, there are the funds and staff to update various websites to say they are shutdown, close down parks, blockade monuments, etc. And the website is dysfunctional for almost a week?

And we are supposed to feel "sorry" for the government and its employees because they are a victim of the incompetence in Washington and they depend mostly on the federal government for funds?

Those of us in the private sector working outside of government still have to pay taxes and make our payroll deductions, or the IRS will come after us with a vengeance. When our "companies" and "businesses" get shut down, we get laid off or lose our jobs or investments or even our homes, instead of just being "furloughed".

I would say the rest of us that aren't in government or directly working for government are the real victims here.

Comment Re:Labor will never be what it was (Score 1) 67

That's why they manufacture BMW's in South Carolina and BMW has expanded the plant and hired more workers over the years. Last time I took a tour of the facility, they were making all the X3's, X5's, and X6's for the world market, including the ones being sold in Asia.

Yeap, we can't compete with anyone.

Comment Re:Back to BASIC (Score 1) 479

Basic ain't that bad.

I worked at a very large retailer that used Business Basic running on Data General mini-computers in the early 1990's. Of course, they also had IBM iron running MVS with tons of CICS/COBOL programs. Its surprising how much "could" be done with Basic back in the day.

I also still remember the C-64 games, a lot of which were written in basic and would use a bunch of "pokes" to load assembly routines into memory.

And what about good old Access Basic and Visual Basic? The easiest way to code a windows GUI program back in the day. Much easier to use than that Visual Studio/MFC C++ junk back in the 1990's. :)

Comment Re:Of course not (Score 1) 365

As an older guy - I have no problem helping younger guys out. I have had a lot of mentors over the years and I still learn from those more experienced then I am. I just get a little torqued up when someone young comes along and thinks they know all the answers and starts trying to "boss" everyone around. Usually these guys are the first ones laid off or forced out, as they are not team players.

Comment Re:Of course not (Score 1) 365

I don't consider myself to be an old fart, yet I know how to do most of the things you mention there.

I know a tiny bit of COBOL; just enough to hate it. I could muddle through assembly if I had to. (True story: In college, my Intro to Computers instructor forced us to read and write System/360 machine code by hand.) C and C++: I'm rusty, but not incompetent. Java, C#, and SQL (any dialect) are my bitch. Log files don't terrify me; grep was made for a reason. Memory leaks are a pain, but not insurmountable. Test plans are for people who actually test (just kidding!).

Age: 33. (Not old, dammit!)

If you are over 30 and a programmer, your walker will be arriving shortly. Security will be on hand to escort you out.

Uh actually - I just turned 45. I was coding mostly C and some C++ when I was 30 and Java was just starting to get noticed.

Anyway, at 45 I probably get contacted by anywhere from 1 to 5 recruiters a week. I also haven't gone more than 2-3 weeks without work in the last 20 years without either a job offer or the next job lined up. In fact, at this point, I have to avoid recruiters just to get a little time off between contracts or jobs.

I don't consider myself the best or a genius. I'm probably in the top 20% of coders - but definitely not the top 5%. Yet I find myself arguing the same arguments and solving many of the same issues from company to company because so many folks fail to see the bigger picture. Yes, I have been let go a few times in my career, but its mostly because I wouldn't convert from contractor to a perm position or because of political reasons. I don't think I've ever been let go in a true lay-off, and most of the time I choose when I leave my job and move onto the next one.

As for the walker - thankfully not yet. I still manage to lift weights and hike/run/bike in my spare time..

I guess 45 is the new 29. :)

Comment Re:Deep (Score 2) 225

Mainframes aren't so "specialized". Maybe you are confusing Mainframes with Supercomputers which tend to be much more specialized and focused towards scientific and research usage.

I worked on IBM big iron back in the day and a "mainframe" can run Linux Partitions as well as other mainframe OS's. Unix boxes aren't so generic either. A unix box running Linux is different than a Unix box running HP-UX or Solaris and requires some different sys-admin skills. There are other issues with shared library linking being different, different compiler's, different shells, etc.

MVS is now z/OS and it supports multiple programming languages - its not just your grandfather's COBOL anymore:

Comment Re:They're not who you think (Score 1) 512

I'm not so sure about the reciprocity. In India, the Indian nationals were being treated as badly as I was. I mean, my god, why does a passport have to be checked 5 or 6 times when exiting India by every other armed guard? I have stood in immigration lines coming into the US and it was nothing like the process I saw in India. It seemed almost as difficult to get out of India as to get in.

Likewise, in the Philippines guys from the UK, Europe and other countries that I knew had to go through the same BS as us Americans.

Comment Re:There IS a talent shortage. (Score 1) 512

Talent has nothing to do with it - until a company is burned and a bunch of unmaintainable code with variable names like "foo" and Class names like public UtilityClassThatDoesEverything, which is full of memory leaks is crashing the servers every day or 2.

Then they call in the people with real talent and pay decent salaries. Or they hire consultants and contractors to fix the mess.

Talent does matter. It just takes some companies a little time to learn that doing things correctly with talented people often is a lot better strategyin the long run than hiring based on the lowest prevailing wage.

Comment Re:They're not who you think (Score 3, Interesting) 512

I went to the UK a few times as part of my job employed by a US company. I usually arrived via Gatwick. I had a US passport, but no Visa since I was working for a US company temporarily at their offices. I was "grilled" at the airport in Customs by a british custom/immigration agent for around 10 minutes. I even told her I had a house in the US and I wasn't going to be there more than 2 weeks. But I still had to answer all these questions and I was treated like I was trying to "sneak" in to the UK.

I also went to the Philippines several times and went through some of the same mess and I had to get multiple Visa's to stay beyond 2 weeks each time, even though I was working for a US company based in the Philippines and had no intention of staying or taking jobs from local residents. I was in fact there to train staff.

I went to India one week to conduct training working for a US based company. I had to get a letter of introduction from someone that worked as my office, a visa that cost a couple hundred dollars from the Indian Consulate, fill out a bunch of papers with my personal information, and then I got treated like crap and ordered around by security in the Bangalore airport a few times by security officers brandishing assault rifles. I was there to train consultants from India. If anything, I was helping to train the local staff, not taking any jobs from anyone, but I still had to jump through all these hoops for 1 week. Only 1 week.

In my experience, I think the US is probably not as much as a hassle compared to other countries. I dispute what you are saying.

Comment "An anonymous reader writes" (Score 1) 282

"An anonymous reader writes" - What? I've been on Slashdot for a while and enough is enough. "An anonymous reader" shouldn't be able to submit articles. "Anonymous" cowards are already trolling Slashdot to dead. If you don't have the guts to post under your username, then why should you have the right to post anything?

Just my opinion.

Comment Re:Point being? Noise-signal ratio? (Score 2) 226

Agreed. Pointless post. is probably irrelevant anyway as people who want to code will learn how anyway, and most other people probably don't care.

Besides coding is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a huge difference between teaching a kid how to code in school and actually writing quality code, understanding relational databases, coding for real-time transaction processing, understanding source control, having the patience to sit in front of a monitor for 8-10 hours a day, etc, etc.

Most of the people I took coding classes ( Basic on Apple II's ) with in high-school aren't even coding or in IT at all now. In fact, some of the people I went to college with have even left the field.

Comment Re:schadenfreude (Score 1) 353

Firstly, "Nerds" haven't "pushed technology that cost people jobs". Corporations, business owners, and even the government push the technology to save money and increase efficiency. "nerds" are usually either the ones discovering the technology, implementing it, or debugging it, and many of us rarely get the credit or the financial rewards.

Secondly, would you rather hold back technology so everyone continue to work in factories and sustain long term medical problems from doing repetitive tasks? Or have everyone exposed harm by doing dangerous jobs like welding on car frames in factories, when a robot can do the job without putting a person in danger?

I think most people's lives are much easier today than they were 100 years ago due to technology, even if they have to retrain or educate themselves to get a job because they lost a job doing a redundant task because of technology.

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BASIC is the Computer Science equivalent of `Scientific Creationism'.
