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Comment Re:Uh, we need a new monitor for that! (Score 1) 201

I have a a seiki 39inch 4k monitor, it works, (albeit only at 30FPS due to HDMI 1.4 being rather limited), and it was under 500 dollars delivered, so... the colour etc. aren't as good as monitors 6-10x the price. But it works.

But it's not mainstream, and for that price point the quality is mediocre at best, and most people aren't going to blow 3 or 4k on a monitor. You could do 4 1080p monitors and have a similar to 4k experience today (or even more monitors I think eyefinity will handle 6 with a decent setup fairly easily). But as a practical matter the vast majority of end users aren't ready for 4k displays, the hardware and software to support it exist, but are not quite ready for primetime. GPU's don't have enough memory, lots of applications don't play nice high density displays or just with ultra high pixel counts.

Comment Re:The gap seems reasonable (Score 1) 179

Considering they're ~1000 bucks a pop that's not as great volume wise as it could be.

But still, the only way you make a better product is make the best product you can, find out what works and what doesn't and make it better.

(Full disclosure, Surface 2 owner, and while I'm reasonably happy with the hardware, Windows 8 is terrible, but at least I can do all of my computing on a single device on the road).

Comment Re:Grad school is voluntary... (Score 1) 390

There's a fair point that grad students are probably on average a bit underpaid for the work they perform (research+ marking etc.) even if the hourly rate is good, the limited official hours etc. are not all that great.

But ya, if you can't live on what you're going to get paid as a grad student and don't have other means, don't go. Pick a degree where you can get money for grad school and can get a job on the side or go back to school when you have the financial means to support it.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

If the debts exceed the assets, the heirs receive nothing, but they do not assume any part of the debt.

In this case this is *after* the estate was settled, but it was settled wrongly. You can't just have the executor of the estate neglect to consider outstanding debts and act as though nothing happened.

The heirs are responsible for debts that weren't properly dealt with.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

And perhaps a better question might be why a country with 5 million people trying to revolt against their legal government should, 240 years later, dictate how a country of ~315 million spanning a great deal more territory and with a great deal more international recognition should be behaving.

The constitution was never intended to be immutable at the best of times, and one can reasonably see how technology and the strategic situation of the US have changed over the years. What might have been reasonably self evident to people looking at the world in 1776 doesn't mean it makes sense today.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1, Insightful) 632

Presumably it is the estate they are going after, and as beneficiaries of the estate they are responsible for the debts of the estate.

Of course this many years later it is impossible to try and defend yourself, particularly as the law *was* that 10 year old debts disappeared, so you could destroy any paperwork from the estate from before 2003 or 2004, and now have no paperwork trail to try and defend yourself with (assuming you had one to begin with, given that inheriting an estate comes with inheriting whatever recording keeping was done, which may have been terrible).

Comment Re:I thought current consoles were like current PC (Score 2) 117

It boggles the mind at how poor these developers must be if they can't even target known hardware, console-style, and get good performance out of the thing.

It boggles the mind why Microsoft put shitty laptop CPU ram in a gaming device.

The devs are trying to find a balance point between visual quality (memory taken) and performance (memory bandwidth) but the 68GB/s memory bandwidth on the XB3 is way too low. IMO the 175 ish on the PS4 is too low too. For 30 FPS remember that only means you can have 2GB of stuff on screen at a time, for 60... well, 1 GB of stuff. (That's not counting AI and Audio).

Yes, sure, the dev's need to make a game for it, but that's really hard to do when basically it's going to be like running the game on very low on the XB2, low on the XB3 and very high on even a mid range PC with a dedicated GPU that isn't terrible.

Comment Makes sense (Score 3) 117

If you look at the Mantle benchmarks for various games it's pretty clear that it doesn't get you much on half decent systems, and on high end systems you're looking a negligible effect. I would think the same is true of DX12, which does the same basic thing.

For all the complaining about the Xb3 it's not terrible hardware, it's some odd choices compared to the PS4 and it's slow compared to a high end PC. But it's not in an absolute sense bad hardware.

Comment Re:And the attempt to duplicate their efforts resu (Score 1, Flamebait) 448

there are other reasons to fault dropbox without bringing her into it

I would put hiring a war criminal towards the top of the list of things companies should not do.

When will these loser knock this shit off?

When she is locked in an Iraqi jail cell for the rest of her life.

All of these criminals from the Bush administration need to be blacklisted from employment with any public company and any government agency. If we can't get the government to prosecute them we should at least make clear they are unwelcome in civil society.

the mozilla CEO

The Mozilla CEO is an idiot who has demonstrated he lacks the judgment to run a public organization with a diverse staff and customer base.

Condaleezza Rice is a war criminal who should be in jail.

Comment Professional responsibility (Score 4, Informative) 236

Engineers are professionally certified with professional responsibility, if they aren't doing their job it's criminal and names need to be named. Just as a physician working for a hospital is named for accusations of negligence.

It's not obvious if that's relevant here, but if someone tried to pass themselves off as a professional engineer and aren't that's a problem, if someone who is a professional engineering violated the ethical principles that's a problem too.

Comment Re:Constitutional Court (Score 2) 141

Not really no.

By declining to take up the matter they can do so with comment (basically saying why they don't think it belongs) or they can say nothing and let lower court rulings stand.

They are the last arbiters of the constitution, not the first, if they agree completely with a lower courts interpretation then they don't need to say anything, the lower court stands.

Imagine this scenario. The government of a US state passes a law that prohibits carrying signs for protesting. Someone gets arrested, goes to court, the court tosses the law as being a clear violation of free speech. The government could try and appeal to a higher court (districts that would eventually lead to the supreme court). But if a higher court looks at it, and declines to take it, then the lower court ruling holds - passing a law against carrying signs is unconstitutional, and that is established in precedent in the law. Someone could try and appeal in future and it might get taken up by a future court, but it doesn't need to go directly to the supreme court because the supreme court is really the top of a pyramid of courts, and only need to take up a case if it's the lower court may have erred in its ruling.

Comment What a terrible article (Score 1) 363

The article is written as though it is by someone who thinks google glass is an actual product. It isn't. Glass is a development version of a real product, and that it costs 1500 dollars and has 45 minutes of battery life are all part of the process of developing things.

One can rightly be concerned about what google glass will become, but if you walked around Apple campus and found a room full of people with smartphones that cost 20 grand each to make and have a replaceable battery that doesn't mean that the iphone 6 or 7 will cost 20 grand or have a replaceable battery.

Comment The legal system wouldn't have let us (Score 1) 206

>The legal system wouldn't have let us

Using "The French legal system will not let us spy on someone in France about charges in a country that is not France' as a justification makes sense actually. Trying to shield yourself by working with someone in a third country shouldn't shield you from domestic actions, and the French are notoriously bad about doing anything about people in france charged elsewhere, including on very serious crimes. See Roman Polanski.

Comment Re:Um, right. (Score 1) 278

>What I now realize is that the people typically in this role have never worked as an Engineer and have NO CONTEXT to what they're actually teaching.

Literally everyone teaching university has experience in their discipline. You don't get to publish papers and get masters and PhD degrees without doing real work, albeit a somewhat contrived sort of work sometimes. And that's why you go on sabbaticals etc.

The thing is, Masters and PhD's are a particular kind of contrived work, rather than most work which is not the same sort of research + publications. And in the real world it's a question of how quickly you get a product working, rather than how well you can get something to work in a given blob of time. But education does not let itself to the first case, it can't really, you'd be stuck with 30 year olds in grade 3 who still don't know how to multiply.

Comment Not really a sensible analysis (Score 2) 260

Facebook isn't a social meeting place, it's a communications platform that also happens to let you hang a sign on the door that everyone can see.

That's why they bought whatsapp, that's why they have all of the various tools to send and archive messages and to let you carve up the 'social space' of who you talk to.

There are lots of shady things they are up to as well,

>Why do we allow this with our social networks?"

Whey do we let countries control their TLD's and phone exchanges and physical mail system? You don't have to use facebook to talk to anybody, there are other forms of communication. But if you want to use the facebook communication system then you have to use Facebook. If it becomes big enough, important enough and persistent enough then the government will step in to regulate it. But it's also possible facebook will go the way of the dodo bird in a couple of years when people get sick of all the stuff facebook ends up doing to try and make money.

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