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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 16 declined, 3 accepted (19 total, 15.79% accepted)


Submission + - Apple launches XCode 4 for $4.99 (non ADP members) ( 1

ideaz writes: "Apple on Wednesday released Xcode 4, the latest version of its IDE for iOS and Mac OS X. The new release, in beta for nearly a year, combines several previously separate development tools into a single window interface. It also leverages new underlying tools such as the latest LLVM compiler and LLDB debugger and offers several time-saving features like automatic code checking. And while Xcode remains free to registered developers, Apple is now making Xcode available to any Mac OS X user via the Mac App Store for $4.99."

Submission + - AT&T pokes fun at Verizon (

ideaz writes: Gearlive: "AT&T is finally going on the offensive as the Verizon iPhone is set to launch later this month. In an email blast today, AT&T shows a woman talking on the phone while browsing Fandango for movie tickets. Below is a line that says AT&T is the play network that lets you talk and surf the web at the same time on your iPhone. Thing is, they're right, and they should totally be using this as a selling point. Sure, this isn't something we all do on a regular basis, but I've certainly done it a handful of times, and would have been frustrated if I weren't able to when I needed it."

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