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Ex-Marine Detained Under Operation Vigilant Eagle For His Political Views Sues 279

stry_cat writes "You may remember the story of Brandon Raub, who was detained without due process over some Facebook posts he made. Now with the help of the Rutherford Institute, he is suing his captors. According to his complaint [PDF], his detention was part of a federal government program code-named 'Operation Vigilant Eagle,' which monitors military veterans with certain political views."

Google Drops XMPP Support 416

Cbs228 writes "During last week's Google I/O conference, the company announced a replacement for its aging Talk instant messenger: Google Hangouts. Hangouts, which is only available for Android, iOS, and Chrome, offers closer integration with Google+. Unfortunately, the new product drops support for the XMPP instant messaging protocol, which has been an integral part of Talk for over ten years. XMPP delivers instant messages to desktop clients, like Pidgin, and enables communication between users on different instant messaging networks. Hangouts users attempting to communicate with contacts on non-Google servers, such as, have found that all communications have been suddenly and inexplicably severed. A Google account is now required to communicate with Hangouts users. Google Hangouts joins the ranks of an already-crowded ecosystem of closed, incompatible chat products like Skype." Interesting, because Google Wave was based on XMPP and Google was integral to the creation of the Jingle extension that enabled video chatting over XMPP. Note that no end date has been set for Talk yet, but the end must surely be nigh given Google's recent history of axing products like Reader and CalDAV support from their calendar app without much notice.

Comment Re:So much for that! (Score 1) 579

Isn't that the point of these seeds though? They are designed to work with Roundup, thus he was using the product as intended? Except Monsato doesnt allow that.

Monsanto has a policy to protect its investment in seed development that prohibits farmers from saving or reusing the seeds once the crop is grown. Farmers must buy new seeds every year.

Also, I dont think you are correct. This is exactly what the court said was wrong. I also dont think it helped his case that he already had first purchased Monsato seeds, then went and bought cheaper mixed seeds in the hope of getting similarly resistant seeds (unclear from TFA how many, if any, were Monsato).

From TFA

[ Justice Elena Kagan said ]
"Bowman planted Monsanto's patented soybeans solely to make and market replicas of them, thus depriving the company of the reward patent law provides for the sale of each article," she said. "Patent exhaustion provides no haven for such conduct."

Comment Re:Dubious story, dubious subject... (Score 5, Insightful) 92

Well, there are a few "interesting" gems there. Though it's mostly business fluff. From TFA:

Such companies as Facebook (FB) and Google also have special teams that review the lines of code written by developers. It’s these people who get to decide when a new feature is ready to make its way to their websites. Not LinkedIn. It has one, huge stash of code that everyone works on, and algorithms do the code reviewing. “Humans have largely been removed from the process,” Scott says. “Humans slow you down.”

Uh, Okay. Automated code review? Um, where to begin? I think there an obvious misunderstanding on the part of the author of the article. Surely Google, FB, et. al., do CI and all sorts of automated testing. They just *also* use humans.

Incidentally, Google clearly has more products, thus more specialties and codebases. FB also, to a lesser extent. I dont think the Google Search team is the same as the Google Maps team or the Android team.

LinkedIn is a website, they have an API, messaging, maybe some mobile apps? It's not trivial, but it's probably not very close to the technical complexity of FB, and no where near the technical complexity of Google.

LinkedIn initiated Project Inversion to fix its issues and has since evolved into one of the poster children for continuous development stopping all continuous dev so they could rebuild from scratch...

I think TFA misses the point in a very "PHB way" sadly. They took the time to make the devs happy and give ownership of features to devs. The result was the devs created an environment that was productive and could be continuously updated with less fuss.

To me, this is the poster child for creating a dev focused culture, and taking the time to do things the right way. Which, sadly, is the exact opposite of the conclusion of TFA and the LinkedIn PHB.

Submission + - Statistical error labels 4700 K-3rd students ineligible for 'Gifted' programs (

alostpacket writes: The New York times reports that statistical scoring by the standardized testing company Pearson incorrectly disqualified over 4700 students from a chance to enter gifted / advanced programs in New York City schools. Only students who score in the 90th percentile or above are eligible for these programs. Those in the 97th or above are eligible for 5 of the best programs. "According to Pearson, three mistakes were made. Students’ ages, which are used to calculate their percentile ranking against students of similar age, were recorded in years and months, but should also have counted days to be precise. Incorrect scoring tables were used. And the formula used to combine the two test parts into one percentile ranking contained an error." No mention of enlisting the help of the gifted children was made in the Times article, but it also contained a now-corrected error. This submission likely also contains an erro

Comment Re:No "Unknown sources" and pay to "adb install" (Score 1) 82

why is SD card access a boolean decision? And why are all permissions granted permanently to apps?

Fair questions, but how would you have designed it? Think carefully about the edge cases and user experience for both questions. I think it also helps to keep in mind lessons learned from incessant dialogs. Users are now desensitized and trained to click OK, despite not having read the message.

Comment Re:Always give them a chance (Score 3, Interesting) 82

You know, I got that same feeling when the article said this was from "Russian security firm Doctor Web" and the malware dates back to October 2012.

They may be legit, but I did a double take on the name and country of the company, as well as the date.

Looks like it comes from TFA, which is next to useless for actual helpful information. No mention of what ad networks, or what apps theses were found in. They even blur the website name of where they encountered an ad. The Next Web article seems to be copy-pasta from the AV 'article' (probably better described as a press release). I clicked around their site and their links are broken and redirect to a scary 404 page that gives me instructions on how to recover Windows. Pot, kettle, anyone?

But sure enough, they sell Android antivirus software.

(Full disclosure: I sell an app meant to teach new users about Android permissions, but also give the text of the guide away -- still, take what I say with a grain of salt, like anyone else).

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