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Comment My grandpa (Score 1) 155

He died at a ripe old age, but after years of Alzheimer's which was most clearly evidenced as wild-assed paranoia. I somehow think strangers knowing where he was in his own house would have been a little much for him.

He was always convinced of secret conspiracies. I guess he was from that generation. I don't think I would have had the heart to make his nightmares come true. Hell, I'm reasonably rational and this would wig me out.

Comment Re:Almost had me... (Score 1) 828

White collar vocational training is sort of a new concept. Like last 50-90 years concept. Engineering became human engineering became business school. This is the university level vocational training alluded to.

I think the thought behind that may be a well rounded education will help you to make better decisions (ethical and moral decisions). You've heard that people study history to avoid repeating it. After a liberal education, then you work for a company where you learn how to do your job.

Really this is so different from the way things are done that it is hard to conceptualize, but was the way of the world for much of the world's history. You became an asset instead of an unskilled (or just as skilled as anyone else) minion. You also have a little perspective, not just an ability.

Of course there are lots of situations that this makes no sense. I want my doctor to know his vocation before he starts cutting or putting fingers in dark places. If, for example, you make me something that I need to depend on, I want every minute of your BSME behind it.

However, I wouldn't mind if someone handing out loans had spent a few years thinking and arguing about what is right and wrong. Give that CEO The Republic and get him to think about it. There is a lot of power in some jobs and sometimes it seems like we just gave monkeys bigger guns.

It is situational, but the thought behind education (think public education) is that it makes better citizens. It helps people know that they need to use their brains before voting/buying/whatevering and not just do what the tv box says, or what they can get away with.

Comment Re:What is wrong with university... (Score 1) 828

A lot of this is because of funding. If kids are failing then they strip funding, classes get bigger, material gets outdated, and they loose quality teachers to universities and private schools. The high school kids don't buy it, loose hope and make bad decisions because there is no incentive not to. The school diverts funding to metal detectors and security. Then the process repeats itself and you end up with a school and "graduates" that are a drain on local economies. which means less property taxes... are you getting me?

Money buys college and kids know that and will just fill a seat until they can drop out or "graduate." Administrations tell teachers to send them through so they can keep the school open next year (or hire another administrator amiright). All of that and you end up with precisely what you said: a worthless diploma.

It is getting to a point where either radical (radically different not the same crap with twice the fervor) change has to occur or we call the whole public education thing a wash. Big cities have a lot of students and carry a lot of statistical weight and are much worse than most of us would be comfortable to admit.

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 1) 197

You make a good point. I shudder to think of it's implications and all the stories that nobody hears.

There seems to be a corporate attitude that the "customer" is the enemy attempting to steal profits the company rightly deserves. The support industry is a for profit enterprise and it is run on amazingly narrow margins (hence all the outsourcing). Every ticket, every complaint, and every second of work is a second of profit lost.

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