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Comment Re:Ass time (Score 1) 499

There are thousands upon thousands of people too poor for all three. They don't live anywhere with access to fresh food ("food deserts"), can't afford to travel to where they could buy fresh food, couldn't afford the food itself even if they could get there, can't afford to take the time out of their multiple jobs to go even if they could afford it, and can't afford to to take the time off to cook or eat it.

If this was true then only poor people would be obese. I'm not saying that the problems you mention aren't a factor of obesity in poor people, but I do think that being too poor to get at food is the main reason people are obese.

Comment Re:Bookstores - are you trying to change hard enou (Score 2) 83

From the store's point of view though they won't sell it at the same price you get online because they need to pay for location, staff, deal with shoplifters and books that go stale and unsold that need to be taken off the shelves again.

I have had the same experience with Barnes and Noble where the same book is listed as cheaper on their website than it is in person.

I find it just a little dishonest because in general you assume that if you visit the website of a store that the price listed on the website will match what you will pay in the store. I don't think they would "open pandora's box" if they changed this policy, though I suspect that they maintain it to have it both ways: beating Amazon on price online and charging whatever they want in the store. When those two collide I'd bet the majority of people just suck it up and buy it at the retail price because they already drove out to Barnes and Noble.

Comment Re:Phil has no idea what he's talking about. (Score 1) 101

A decent chrome book that 'isn't slow' will costs you $250 AT LEAST ... and right next to it on the shelf is the Windows $250 laptop that ... works exactly the same if you run everything in a browser like Chrome.

Google was running a deal last year where a school could get a chromebook for $100 a piece if you were at a school. My boyfriend was able to get an entire classroom set of chromebooks for $2000 raised through donors choose.

Spec and hardware wise they aren't the greatest things, but they're great for having everyone in the classroom do a quick online-based activity or other work without having to fight for the computer lab.

Comment Re:Bitcoins? (Score 1) 85

malware of this nature probably wouldn't even be feasible if it wasn't for bitcoin and it's kin. There'd be no way to anonymously extort money from victims.

Not the case.

CryptoLocker’s creators also recently shifted their monetization tactics, giving willing users additional time to pay the ransom with bitcoin or MoneyPak.

Strains of this in the past were using MoneyPak (prepaid cash card) to extort money just fine.

Comment You won't get through to them (Score 4, Insightful) 747

How do you think we can get through to the anti-vaxxers?

Unfortunately, I don't think anything will get through to them until their kids and loved ones start dying from very old and highly preventable diseases.

Their mindset is one much like the followers of creationism, etc where they believe that:
1) All scientists have been bought out by "big pharma" or
2) That the consensus among the scientific community is some kind of organized ploy to sell more and more drugs.

Because of this, no matter what scientists or public health officials say, they just plug their ears and go "LALALALALA".

Comment Re:Definitely not for power users (Score 1) 103

Honestly, I wish Google and similar services would offer a "paid" version with no data mining or tracking. People forget that the awesome search engine, maps, etc. aren't a free resource, and their data is paying Google's bills.

You can do this partly with Google Apps, doesn't stop the tracking in Google Search though...

Comment Re:What's the solution? (Score 1) 295

Firefox has had its issues over the years but time and again it's proven to be the most stable, most user friendly browser over the long term.

I think I switched from Firefox to Chrome at around 2010. At that time, Firefox was definitely not the most stable or the fastest browser out there, chrome was.

Switching back hasn't really been something that I'm willing to invest the time in at the moment, as it's easy to just download chrome, log in, and then have all your extensions, bookmarks, etc. come back to you.

I understand Firefox does that now, but it still requires me to find extension equivalents and migrate the data which frankly isn't worth the time.

Comment Re:Not quite the same (Score 1) 794

> Dumb question: it's about the actions of the believers.

Except they aren't "believers".

They're just foodies that want better vegetables and cheese than your local "let them eat dirt" grocery chain will allow for.

They're just consumers in search of a better product.

The whole "believer" angle is just pure unadulterated nonsense.

Did you even read the rest of his post?

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