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Comment Re:Obligatory Adblock Reply (Score 0) 347

My issue with online advertising in the first place is not the bandwidth use, it's the stupid flashing *LOOK AT ME* things at the side of the screen. Depending on how the ads are structured for how they count views, chrome's model might actually be better in that webpages don't have to pursue any anti-adblock strategies. At least until ad companies catch on that their ads aren't actually being viewed, that is...

Comment Re:Ubuntu should stick with Firefox. (Score 0) 477

Chromium is an open source project. Open source projects have community developers. They have to look at the code to change it. They are not whining about privacy violations. As a user who has not looked over the source code and checked for the, uh, evil google snooping service, what makes you think you have some knowledge about Chromium's privacy issues? I think this is a great move for Ubuntu to a more modern and less bloated browser. Also it advances Webkit, the renderer that powers a huge selection of smaller browser projects I happen to like. In regards to plugins, the most important one in existence (adblock plus) works fine in Chromium, as do a decent selection of youtube downloaders. What are you complaining about again?

Comment Re:Why Not? (Score 0) 706

Ah, but what else are they going to be motivated by when they are adults? The object in society that can be used to obtain the greatest variety of things is money. Saying that they need to do learn out of a "love of learning" is absurd. People can have a love of learning, but it isn't taught by someone telling them that they must love it. Some people have it and some don't. And don't go about it by saying that people should accept an "attaboy" for doing good work. Don't use a proxy for what they would get as an adult, give them what they would get, which is money.

Comment Re:Why Not? (Score 0) 706

C's were a passing grade for you? Wouldn't have minded going to your school... But yes, I agree with your main point. I think that kids should be motivated the same way that they will be later, and not treated like it is "expected" of them to put in their all for a reward that is not immediately visible to them.

Comment Re:a better question (Score 0) 706

The difference is that people who get their fame from sports are not contributing something valuable to society that can be enjoyed for any length of time. Far from it, they are running, headbutting, etc. for an hour or two of entertainment. This might have came in handy when we were hunting mammoths, but now? Come on. Creativity is used in greater society for any number of things that we need to survive and progress. What use is physical prowess nowadays? Absolutely nothing.

Comment Re:I don't trust it (Score 0) 65

I agree with most of your points, and agree that idiot conspiracy theorists are way too hard on Google. However, I'm not quite sure that you're correct in saying that Google is the top sponsor for Firefox. I couldn't find any info on it, but it seems unlikely seeing as google has its own browser.

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