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Comment Re:Wacky thinking (Score 1) 430

There's more of us atheist in Kansas than people would believe. Where I work pretty much everyone thirty and younger is atheist. All that doesn't matter though. Stopping this bill does. I'm lucky in Northwest Kansas as we have fiber-to-the-home, but I doubt we'll see the rest of Kansas wired up without public help, and the cable companies will keep milking the cities/larger towns (we have Nextech/Rural Telephone, excellent service and good infrastructure).

Comment Re:FUCK THE USA AND ALL LIKE IT. You are not free. (Score 2) 243

It's called civilization. We have a government and laws because of the benefits it brings. No we are not free to do whatever we want. You want to live in anarchy? In a world where the government can't tell you what to do? Then either you must live alone in a wilderness as a caveman, or live in a complete anarchic world where gangs, warlords, and thugs control everything. No matter what people will organize, no matter what if you want to be in a society there will be rules.

Comment Re:The master owns everything, including your *LIF (Score 2) 243

The adults weren't completely innocent. They were served a legal search warrant and instead of the doing the sane thing, they hold up inside their compound. After surrounded by police a sane person would surrender. They were delusional and caused the deaths of their own children by not letting the cops serve a warrant.

If the cops come to my house to serve a search warrant and I hold up inside with guns and don't let them in their is only one end result. Eventually they are coming in and if I hold out through the tear gas and whatever else they use to try to flush me out, then yeah, eventually I'm gettin' shot and I'm gonna die.

Comment Re:Every single one of them is guilty? (Score 1) 841

<quote>Everyone is seizing on this "why are you spying on grandma?" line and saying 'Damn right they should be ashamed and demoralized, stupid jackboots!'

Except the NSA has something like 30,000 people . . .[cut]. . . . They're not the KKK, they're not the Westboro Baptist Church . . . . </quote>

The NSA controls the world's largest intelligence apparatus which literally records every communication it is technologically possible for them to. It doesn't matter how benevolent they are, even the smallest abuse of power, when your playing at that level means controlling elections, imprisonment of opponents, suppressing free speech, and ever other nasty thing you can think of. And this happens without them trying. The very knowledge of their spying affects what we do and say to each other.

Comment Re:Obligatory - "Why Shouldn't I Work for the NSA? (Score 2) 841

One - I'm now downloading Good Will Hunting to watch it all over again.

Two - If you are smart and have a conscience you won't work for them in the first place.

Three - If you are lacking the first quality in number two, you will and we end up where we are.

The employees of the NSA deserve to be heckled. Maybe they will start to challenge their superiors, quit, make different decisions if they are in charge, or listen to that little voice in their head that says this is wrong and try to help like Snowden did.

Comment Re:Information is power (Score 1) 525

That is exactly what I thought, except I figured you could pull over some RANDOM pot smoker and then use his phone calls and text messages to figure out who he gets pot from. Most smokers have several hook-ups and copying their data would provide a treasure trove. People are dumber than you think, we think "if I did something illegal I'd never use a phone", but in real life most law breakers talk about their actions on the phone all the time. Sounds all good to stop the evil weed, but what happens when political views are criminal, and YOU, not joe-blow stoner, are pulled over and YOUR phone data endangers family and friends?

Comment Forget Harrier Jump Jets (Score 1) 152

Obviously the bird in the video isn't to the point of being to perform in the same way as our Harriers, but we are definitely seeing the future of military aircrafts.  Our fighter jets out perform nature in many ways, but one only has to go outside for a few minutes to see bird after bird perform in ways that makes every current aircraft pale in comparison.  This is a demonstration that gets the ball rolling.

F-15 Screamin' Eagle, pahh, meet  the F-420 Literally Screamin' Eagle.

Comment Re:Whatever (Score 2) 148

You are definitely correct that this is a very bad way to actually measure the light pollution, but that isn't the point.  By getting more people involved they are getting the word out.  When more people are aware of what is going on then by convention the more likely it will be that architects, light manufactures, city planners, etc. will implement projects differently.

Submission + - USENIX Security talk videos: cars, capabilities! (usenix.org)

An anonymous reader writes: Videos from the 2010 USENIX Security Symposium are now online, including award-winning talks on new classes of browser extension vulnerabilities and the Capsicum sandboxing system. Also included are how to track cars using their tire sensors, acoustic attacks on dot matrix printers, the Adobe flash security model with a vicious Q&A session, and a talk by the author of Ubuntu's AppArmor, now at Microsoft, who argues that Windows now has far better security than Linux!

Comment Re:ADHD is real (Score 1) 711

Wrong.  dextroamphetamine given a the typical levels to treat ADHD will create the ability to concentrate better to a normal individual as well as someone who is ADD.  Caffeine, amphetamines, and Ritalin have all been shown to increase recall and concentration at low doses.

What ADD medications do is get the kid high, and when you have ADD being high is a better state than being sober.  Too much higher and even the ADD kid will have trouble concentrating.  That is the biggest danger with these medications, long-term drug use by being over prescribed stimulants as a child.

Comment A different generation (Score 1) 711

I grew up in a different videogame generation.  I would play Super Mario Kart on the SNES for three hours, but then I would be outside playing baseball, backyard football, and king of the mountain*.  Today's kids don't do that.  What happens when one plays videogames all day is that the brain gets its release in a violent game lowering aggression levels, but the body has not exercised and it creates this strange fatiguing anxiety that makes one figity and unable to focus.  These kids don't have real ADD or ADHD, which is very real, they are just crammed into an abnormal environment where their complacency is assured by their parents.  If a drug is needed to subdue the child into this state it will be had by any parent from the doctor.

* Played on a hill where the person standing at the top is the king and tries to use his elevation to throw everyone else down and the try to throw him down to becoming king.  Why did I feel I needed to explain that?  Maybe because the younger generation never gets outdoors.

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