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Comment Re:Not Surprising (Score 1) 141

"Why did they even put this press release out?"

I thought the reason to put it out was obvious. I know, who on Slashdot would RTFA, but I thought it was obvious from the money shot at the end of the article:

"Companies are waking up to the fact that they've under-invested in the area of security around surveillance and monitoring and forensics to get to the bottom of what happened."

* Buy our Services! Buy Now! Help us spread FUD so your associates buy our services!!! *

Or maybe I'm just being cynical...

Comment Try Keepassx (Score 2, Interesting) 1007

I've used Keepassx for a few years now. It's cross platform (Windows / Linux) and stores the files encrypted. I tried one of Bruce Schneier's public domain solutions previously, but the Linux install (Password Gorilla ???) was rather painful on some systems if I recall correctly.

Just be sure to use a substantial password for the database...

Comment Re:Ubuntu Bleeding Edge Features Ready for Prime T (Score 1) 744

For those of you that need wireless, and need to access Access Points with hidden ESSIDs (like I do for work), you should stay away from the KDE version of 9.10 (Kubuntu) for the time being, unless you're still comfortable with installing/running wicd. The latest release candidate of 9.10 I ran last week still had issues out of the box. If you need this capability, stick with the plain vanilla version (Gnome). I'm told that nm-applet works O.K. with wireless, although I've not had the chance to confirm it yet.

As always, YMMV...

Comment Re:Very Impressed with the update (Score 1) 871

I've got to agree. After the bad experience I had with 8.10 (broken menus, monitor powerdown lost, that friggin' cashew) I found 9.04 was a pleasant surprise. It's up & running with no additional tweaks needed only a few hours after the upgrade. It took over a month after the 8.10 install before I decided I wouldn't revert back to 8.04 or Fedora. Of course, by then, Fedora 10 had also adopted that damn cashew...

I saw much faster boot times when I moved to 8.10, and I believe it's improved slightly with 9.04.

All in all, a MUCH improved experience out of the box!

Comment Why not look at Google??? (Score 1) 287

I can't believe no one has referenced Google yet... I read a paper a year or two back on how they were making their data centers more efficient. Now, lo and behold, they have a website dedicated to how to run an efficient data center - surprise!

Check out

Instead, we're rehashing the old arguments between Tesla and Edison??? George Westinghouse backed the winning idea AT THE TIME. Get over it, people...

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