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Comment Re:implausible? it's magic! (Score 1) 258

"faith based filtering" = ?? Julia & Conroy are offering us censorship, did you miss the debate on this topic?

"all they did was stall adsl2, milk the international interconnects, keep exchanges difficult to access, charge use up and down by the mb and muddy any NBN press."

Telstra was the product of both Labor & coalition governments spread across several terms. The Monopoly that was changed into the system we have today is less than perfect. The reality is we now have other private companies investing in infrastructure and providing competitive service. For example - TPG have invested in exchanges and sell monopoly access to their infrastructure. No security of investment results in no investment.

Creating a new monopoly (NBN) will result in a repeat of the original Telecom problems. Any investment in infrastructure will demand a return on investment. Any politician/government that fails to subject to accountability will be accused of vote buying (pork barreling their electorate).

I'm all for open debate. Please justify & expand on your claim "Tony is offering Australia more of the worst of a US Bell system".

Comment Re:implausible? it's magic! (Score 1) 258

some critical commentry from an ABC reporter.
I had hoped someone would pick up on my comment about net neutrality and the censorship issue that many feel strongly about.

some extracts from the abc reporter

"There has been no detailed cost-benefit analysis published by Treasury on why the NBN is the best possible use of up to $43 billion of taxpayer's cash. There has been no independent Productivity Commission Inquiry determining the amount of money that the nation should use to subsidise high-speed broadband, and whether, in fact, comparable technology, such as WiMax or ADSL2+, could be supplied at no additional cost to taxpayers via the private sector."

Upgrading a design plan is easy, building it costs money. I expect these election promises to be costed properly, you should also.

"this choice does not need to be binary; all or nothing. We can support the private sector in the development of better broadband technology. We just don't need to make a very risky $43 billion punt on one specific solution. "

Comment Re:implausible? it's magic! (Score 1) 258

"it's much easier to upgrade a design plan"
a design plan that hasn't been proven to be costed properly.
Lets not forget Abbott isn't proposing to do away with fibre. He is arguing private enterprise be given a fair go to expand their networks. The monopoly that started as a government owned telecoms we now call Telstra has proven to be an inefficient business model. The difference between the two proposals has been railroaded by each promising speeds that more than will not satisfy everybody.
Last time I looked giving people freedom to choose which business supplier they wanted prompted multiple businesses to offer competing products and let the average consumer choose their preferred product. All other factors equal this has worked well. The missing debate issue is net neutrality.
Tony is offering us a free market choice. Julia is telling us she will use taxpayers dollars to build a superhighway where her faceless minders say so, plus censor what we are allowed to see.

Comment Re:Methodology... (Score 1) 261

I've always believed a truer rape statistic would be the number of instances reported to the police, not relying on convictions. As a cyclist & motorcyclist that has been hit by vehicles on three separate occasions, all reported to Police, none resulted in conviction (or attempts at prosecution by Police for that matter). Any person who believes crime reports are factually accurate is ignorant. Politicians never like to have a higher crime rate on their watch than their opponents.

Professor Says UFO Studies Should Be Taught At Universities 311

New York anthropology professor Philip Haseley wants young people to get the best education possible, and part of that education, he says, should be about UFOs. Haseley thinks universities should offer classes on UFOs and other unexplained phenomena from space. "[A sighting] happens to millions of people [around the world]. It's about time we looked into this as a worthy area of study. It's important that the whole subject be brought out in the open and investigated," he said. I want to believe the truth is out there in 500 words or less.

Comment clash with college culture? (Score 2, Insightful) 443

Given the culture of some residential colleges, I'd suggest the recruited anti pirate move off campus. If you thought hazing at some colleges was bad, imagine the consequences of busting your professor for pirating on your assignment and exam grades. Not all college professors follow official university ethics standards, hence the official ethics standards existence.

Comment Re:The rich become a different species (Score 1) 981

"The problem is not that this would be wrong for the child (just assuming for the moment that there wouldn't be nasty unintended side-effects). The problem is the impact on society as a whole. Rich people can afford to extend their lifespans, make themselves beautiful, smarter, and so on. The elite become physically different from birth: physically, mentally, perhaps even morally superior. Imagine a society in which the rich lived twice as long. Do you think this would be just? Do you think freedom and stability could exist under these circumstances?"

Is it really different to imposing Jail terms (shortening effective free lifespan) on persons who commit acts society had deemed unacceptable? (as opposed to giving $ to people who commit acts society seems valuable). Religions would have us believe the perfect being is immortal.

Can You Fight DRM With Patience? 309

As modern DRM schemes get more annoying and invasive, the common wisdom is to vote with your wallet and avoid supporting developers and publishers who include such schemes with their games. Or, if you simply must play it, wait a while until outcry and complaints have caused the DRM restrictions to be loosened. But will any of that make game creators rethink their stance? An article at CNet argues that gamers are, in general, an impatient bunch, and that trait combined with the nature of the games industry means that progress fighting DRM will be slow or nonexistent. Quoting: "Increasingly so, the joke seems to be on the customers who end up buying this software when it first comes out. A simple look back at some controversial titles has shown us that after the initial sales come, the publisher later removes the vast majority of the DRM, leaving gamers to enjoy the software with fewer restrictions. ... Still, [waiting until later to purchase the game] isn't a good long-term solution. Early sales are often one of the big quantifiers in whether a studio will start working on a sequel, and if everyone were to wait to buy games once they hit the bargain price, publishers would simply stop making PC versions. There's also no promise that the really heavy bits of DRM will be stripped out at a later date, except for the fact that most publishers are unlikely to want to maintain the cost of running the activation, and/or online verification servers for older software."

Mississippi Makes Caller ID Spoofing Illegal 258

marklyon writes "HB 872, recently signed into law by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, makes Caller ID spoofing illegal. The law covers alterations to the caller's name, telephone number, or name and telephone number that is shown to a recipient of a call or otherwise presented to the network. The law applies to PSTN, wireless and VoIP calls. Penalties for each violation can be up to $1,000 and one year in jail. Blocking of caller identification information is still permitted."

Comment Re:US mining is politically uneconomical (Score 1) 324

I've always marveled at how natural phenomena will inspire poets, scientists, theologians and activists to wax lyrical about the spiritual/cosmic/scientific significance of a volcano, glacial canyon or earthquake. It seems that if man builds something then it must be evil and punished. Natural phenomena spew crude oil into the oceans, animals became extinct before mankind and we are debating how legislation designed to protect the environment can lead to politically unpalatable industries being exported to countries prepared to compromise their own safety & environment. I'd be interested to see more details on the 'background' levels. My limited experience with EPA (non US) has seen negotiated programs covering the project lifetime. Witty activists will look at an operating site (or proposed project) and bemoan the rampant pollution they see and ignore the long term programs funding research, conservation programs and site rehabilitation. 'Waste' from the refining process is dirt & rock taken from one place, processed and stacked in another place. Is that really much different to termite mounds?

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