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Comment Re:Mommy... (Score 1) 1435

I wonder if any of the guard's they hired are on the list they published.

If they wanted to practice what they preach, why not get only government guards, i.e. law enforcement to protect them?

Whats a matter, doesn't law enforcement protect you at all times?

No, law enforcement is not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the mess and write up the reports.
"When seconds count, the cops are minutes away."

Comment Re:Thanks Slashdot (Score 1) 197

Back when if something went wrong (soldering an electrolytic cap in backwards, say) you could actually go to Radio Shack and buy useful parts from somebody who knew more than you did about electronics.

Now get off my lawn!

Radio Shack is another of my favorite things, although the folks that work there now are no where near as knowledgable as in the past. You can get lucky on occasion though.

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