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Comment Re:Standard interface? (Score 1) 124

That would be great, if 1.5v-3v devices could automagically operate safely with 5v. Essentially, your concept requires the device to convert DC voltage, which isn't cheap, and generally very wasteful. However, on the charger end, they could have an switchable transformer and produce the desired voltage.

Comment Re:the problem with contact-free power (Score 1) 124

Mmmm; I'm under the impression that the problem with contact-free power is a significant loss in efficiency.

I, on the other hand, always thought the problem with contact-free power was cancer.

Considering the large amount of EMI emitting transformers and oscillating devices found in the common nerd's dwellings, I doubt adding a little more would hurt all that much, relatively speaking that is.

Comment Re:Standard interface? (Score 1) 124

This is only a good idea if the standard included a communication bus and spec for voltage, polarity, and amperage negotiation. Without these things, we would have a lot of burnt out equipment. Unfortunately, this would also increase the complexity and cost of the small devices and chargers, but hopefully the volume of the components used would lessen the expense.

Comment Yay Human Spirit (Score 1, Interesting) 122

It is really awesome hear about the international collaboration of non-government, non-business entities working together to overcome tyranny. I'd like to wish those oppressors a sarcastic "good luck" in stifling the ingenuity of people all around the world. As for the Iranian people, kudos on being a continuously painful thorn in your government's side.

Comment Re:complexity (Score 2, Interesting) 85

Unfortunately, yes, if there is nothing magical about the chemistry that occurs in our bodies. This is unfortunate because at some point, we will stop being interesting to look at. However, the idea of a disease free world is probably well worth it, and we shouldn't be discouraged to keep trying to figure this stuff out simply because it is getting harder.

Comment Re:Praise God! (Score 0, Redundant) 153

This is so obviously a case of God himself reaching down and dividing these species, and none of this "evolution" tripe! Open your minds, Atheists, and see the truth. Do not be misled by these Satanic, Atheist scientists who would deny His noodly appendage in our creation! God not only cares about and intervenes in your personal problems (hence we pray), he also really cares about separating species of birds. He truly works in Mysterious Ways.

Fixed that for you!

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