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Comment Re:Reasonable (Score 2) 559

Sure, in a happy world of rainbows and unicorns where GMO foods with significant market share had real benefits to customers, we could discuss the finer points of GMO in your food, but the seed giants are their own worst enemy. It's a vendor lock-in device used to corner the market on herbicides. If there was ever a market for "good" GMOs, Monsanto killed it.

Comment Monsanto = monopolist (Score 3, Insightful) 559

Regardless of your stance on the health effects of GMOs, if would behoove us to look more closely at the business practices (specifically w.r.t. intellectual property) of the seed giants, i.e. Monsanto: patenting life, monopolizing the seed market, shaking down small farmers with patent infringement suits, and all so they can sell more Roundup, creating a monoculture of herbicides. It's the same corporate playbook we've seen countless times in the tech world.

We had herbicides before Roundup-ready GMOs. It ain't no huge innovation, aside from being a revenue win for Monsanto.

Comment Re:No, it'll just be an OPTION (Score 5, Insightful) 650

I don't think that will be an option for a *long* time. As it stands now, if you are close to your car (and have your keys on you) you can be charged with DUI/DWI. The cops argue that you are technically in-control of your car any time you are near it.

I've seen two DUI busts while people were sitting in a non-running car listening to music. I've seen one for someone who went to get something out of the car without ever sitting inside or turning the ignition.

And as long as we have MADD, it'll be hard to change. They will always come back with "what ifs" and TOTC and lawmakers will roll over.

Comment Re:Welcome to our world (Score 2) 1205

Seriously, you talk about freedom and then you complain about paying market price for fuel? (I'm going to ignore for now how other taxpayers subsidize your roads and utility lines). Every choice has its costs-- if you can afford it and you really like living out there, more power to you. Just own up to it and don't come crying to us when reality smacks you in the face. I've lived in both, and suburbia is just a bigger box. You're no less controlled, taxed or poisoned to death out there. (I find the last one rather ironic in light of suburban cuisine- Walmart, Applebees, all you can eat buffets)

Comment Re:Would the limbs have ever worked? (Score 1) 124

That's mostly controlled by muscles/tendons in the forearm. They mention some nerve repair, but I doubt they really mean it in the way we think they mean it.

If this had worked, he'd have been exactly as bad off as before. He would have just looked *slightly* more normal and been a *much* greater burden on his caregivers.

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