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Comment Re:Headline wrong (Score 1) 1088

I agree. This is stupid. This means if someone gets 51% of the votes in Iowa they get 100% of the electoral votes. How is that any more fair than the system as it stands? All it does is give Iowa more swing in the election (until the other states implement this, then we're back to square 1).

Comment Re:No News (Score 3, Interesting) 417

Good call. I hope everyone reads this comment. I was getting all excited 'cause I didn't RTFA and I thought I'd get to upgrade my existing Vista laptop for free (perhaps in a surprise concession by Microsoft that Vista sucks the proverbial monkey cock). Alas, no such luck. I guess this one's going to end up running nix after all. (not that that's a bad thing).

Comment Re:BeOS Haiku (Score 0, Flamebait) 448

Most (but not all) linux evangelists are just lusers who picked up linux and learned a few commands. They like it because it's free (as in beer).They go around preaching on every forum they can using recycled arguments they picked up from other users . They don't do it because they're looking out for people's best interest and want everybody to use the best OS possible; rather they do it because they know that the more people that use it, the more app's and drivers there will be. I used to be an avid linux user (until I found a superior OS), but now I'm getting sick of even seeing the word "linux" in every fucking software-related article I read. These kiddies need to shut the fuck up.

Comment Re:How ridiculous. (Score 1) 873

It's called empty rhetoric and it's nothing new. Politicians are notorious for their overuse of ethos. Why? Because it appeals to the masses who can't be bothered to actually think about issues. Why bother with a nuanced argument when you can just run around shouting slogans? Then you'd actually open yourself up to having to back up your words with reason and actually have to participate in a debate with the other side. "Islomofascism!" "Change!" "Sieg Heil!" etc. etc. etc.

Comment Re:I don't get Net Neutrality (Score 1) 873

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with ISP's deciding to discriminate based on content. Ideally, it's their business and if it's a hit with the customers it'll be successful and if not (which I don't think it would) it would fail. The problem with this is that as it stands most people have to deal with local monopolies to get internet access. This means that there's a good chance these ISP's will see the green and adapt it because customers have no real alternative other than to go without internet entirely. I think most consumers would prefer the "we give you a pipe" business model to the content discrimination model but this might not be reflected in the services provided by the ISP's due to their monopoly power.

Comment Re:How ridiculous. (Score 5, Informative) 873

Unlike the republicans, the democratic party has a lot of people with their own views.

Right... Because Republicans are just mindless automatons while the Democrats are the epitome of critical thought and non-partisanship. EastCoastSurfer's got it right. They're all crooks. You might want to do some reading into the history of the Democratic party.

Comment Re:What is really wrong with trains? (Score 1) 299

If making a small simple mistake with your camera killed people and you were using it in densely populated areas, then yes, you would be pathological for liking your fully manual SLR film camera.

Driving an automatic is no safer than driving a manual. I'd say it's the opposite. When you drive a manual you get the sense that you're really *operating* the car. You tend to focus more. That's how I am anyway. I already mentioned that mass transit makes sense in areas that are already too congested (ie big cities). Would flying cars ever really work on a large scale? I don't know.

Comment Re:What is really wrong with trains? (Score 1) 299

But how does "liking" something compare to killing tens of thousands of people each year [], causing massive destruction of ecosystems, causing other vast climactic changes, draining natural resources, and destroying watersheds (with pavement)?

Death is part of life. The way I see it you can live a sheltered little life and possibly squeeze out a little bit more time on earth but you're not really living life to its fullest. I enjoy driving. I feel as though I'm an exceptional driver and I feel safer when I'm in control. I don't like being coddled by automagic systems. I'm not alone either. Pilots, for instance, use auto-pilot for the more monotonous parts of flying but when it comes to the real trick part - landing - they go manual. When you go out on the road you accept the risks involved. Hell, build the system for people who don't want to drive and for places where its too congested. But me, I'll be driving.

Some people are more promiscuous than others. That's their right. It's really none of my business.

As for the other other concerns, they can be addressed through alternative energy systems. There's nothing inherently more eco-friendly in riding a rail than driving on a road.

No, I don't think every decision a person makes should be measured by what's in the "public interest."

Comment Re:Am I on Slashdot or some where else? (Score 1) 422

It's not enough to just say "oh well OEMs can just install Firefox now". That is true but it doesn't factor in the fact IE is setup to try to take over as your default browser and it's not even a case that you can to never open IE because even if you don't want to open IE but use something like MSN messenger then it ignores your browser choice and uses IE anyway which will, by default, ask you to change your default browser settings.

Microsoft is going to have to code their app's to be browser agnostic and patch the ones still in use that aren't. Aren't you sick of being tied down by legacy MS bullshit?

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