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Comment Re:Random list (Score 1) 1839

One more thing about the mobile interface -- it's really slow. Granted I have a crappy underpowered android, but I can still browse most websites just fine. I'm not sure if the problem is heavy scripting crapping out the processor, or a lot of requests piling onto the (fast but still not THAT fast) 4G connection, but it's extremely hard to use.

Comment Re:Twitter shouldn't be shutting anyone down.. (Score 1) 832

What you are alluding to as trampling on others' rights would be if you were legally obligated to print speech you don't want to print. You're still thinking of it in terms of prohibitions under penalty of law. But there is a whole big world out there that has nothing to do with the law. You can start here.

Comment Re:sort of makes sense (Score 1) 75

Yes, and it's your choice to interpret surge pricing as necessarily inevitably excessive. You haven't explained why there can be no instance of non-predatory surge pricing.

Wrong. The whole point of surge pricing is to only offer taxis to those who can afford it, screw the non-rich folks. That's gouging.

But for some reason, you haven't broken into an art gallery and stolen a Picasso to give it to some of those non-rich folks. And before you tell me that a taxi is different because it's a basic necessity, 1) there is already a federal almost-ban on surge pricing during disaster events, 2) Uber isn't a monopoly, 3) there is a difference between limited surge pricing and absolutely no surge pricing, which you have failed to address, 4) did I mention Uber isn't monopoly, which is typically a pretty damn important component of price gauging?

And look, I can link to articles too. Here's one:

Hey, look at that, even the NYC council isn't considering completely banning surge pricing, only limiting it:

And even that seems to be dead in the water:

Comment Re:Another example (Score 1) 728

Doesn't that kinda prove that religion - or lack of it - is an irrelevant detail to the issue of people doing horrible things to other people they consider expendable in the name of their cause?

I don't think anybody's saying religion is what makes people capable of doing bad things. I think they're just saying it's been one hell of a motivator. So no, it doesn't prove anything of the sort.

Comment Re:sort of makes sense (Score 1) 75

The purpose of surge pricing is to gouge customers who want the service desperately

It's funny how you can say literally the same idea as the person you responded to, but make it sound bad by using negative words like "gouge" and "desperately". Without any sort of explanation as to why his characterization is invalid.

Comment Re:Disaster "surges" (Score 1) 75

In practice, the result is that the provider is strongly encouraged to under-provision their network so they can charge extreme rates for normal use, citing "high" utilization as an excuse. So you end up with a poor experience at all times, rather than just during disasters.

How is that any different from charging more for their service, which they are already free to do? It might give them a tiny sliver of a PR defense, but that won't stop people from switching providers. Phone service, unlike wired internet, is actually a competitive market.

Comment Re:Disaster "surges" (Score 1) 75

Price gouging is already generally illegal. If you're worried about excessive disaster surges, talk to your local, state, or federal representatives to put caps, or lower existing ones, on the maximum amount you can be charged, or to put in place a policy of especially low caps in the case that a state of emergency is declared.

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