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Comment Re:Read a comment by a US naval commander (Score 2) 1319

For the record I'm a Polish-Canadian atheist.
this was a series of rather shallow arguments:
1. "Muslims never winning a war unless fighting against each other" .. from the top of my head : history of Ottoman empire, fall of Constantinople, crusades etc etc..
2. Accepting God's will does not imply any sort of fatalist passive attitude in Islam or Christianity. Jihad in itself means striving to better oneself and our surroundings ie "God helps those who help themselves" attitude. You have a similar concept in Christianity, and in most major religions.
3. Islam never having a renascence: It had one when Europe was in the middle of dark ages. Medicine, Science, philosophy flourished.. just google "Islamic golden age" . Wikipedia has a good article on that. Which goes to show that Islam and science are not mutually exclusive.
4. As to Islam not moving on. I don't know how to respond to that .. what does "move on" even mean? Islam is made up of dozens internal branches that move in different directions progress at different speeds; some are more orthodox then others .. just like Christanity really. Similarly any moderate Christian is as hard to define as a moderate muslim. It all depends on your point of view.
5. You imply that all technology has western civilization as it source (Bit with the Turks and their cellphones). I won't even bother commenting on that.
6. Culture clashes are also the source of some of our greatest achievements and discoveries. If the Arabs didn't invade Europe we'd still be using Roman numerals. If the Romans didn't invade half the world, we wouldn't have the legal system we have now. If Cortes didn't invade Aztecs .. etc etc..
Personally I do not believe in higher power but have enough respect and insight to actually appreciate religion's contributions to science, philosophy and art. In an age when our moral development lags far behind technological one we could learn a lot from major religions even if we do not believe in God. There are many reasons to criticize religions for but if if you do at least do a bit of research beforehand. Otherwise you make us atheists look like unreasonable, uneducated zealots.

Comment Re:Grope On (Score 1) 129

That may be .. my point is that arrogant assholes like that guy see an unemployed person (I was in that boat for a while few years ago) and often assume lack of skill/laziness etc, which really rubs me the wrong way.

Comment Re:Grope On (Score 2) 129

Saying somebody's unemployed in IT therefore they must without skills is rude and idioitic. There are different people in different circumstances and there is a thousand reasons the guy could be unemployed (staring with illness). So yeah, in my book the the guy is an asshole.

Comment Re:So it took a long time.....?? (Score 1) 279

no .. because it's not our job.. he's the writer after all nobody is disputing the fact that it's hard... but if you compare him to ANY other writer of that format he comes out looking like an amateur. Look at erickson, sanderson, king .. they manage to write books of comparable size/quality on regular basis... The fact that each book does not have a story arc that stands on its own coupled with the fact that he takes forever is what really pisses me off. If he made his books be good enough to stand on their own merits, have a decent conclusions, maybe we wouldn't mind waiting so much ... That's in my opinion a mark of a great book: being a part of a bigger story but also being a complete story in itself... Anyways, maybe he doesn't owe us anything per se, but I still feel cheated.

Comment Re:An author of intricate detail (Score 1) 279

I think of his books as shorter more concise versions of martin books: more action, faster pace but not as good world building. I also recommend peter brett and maybe brent weeks ( not as good as abercrombie though). ps. just finished Brandon Sanderson's way of kings and it simply blew me away.. liked it even more then Malazan empire books and that's saying something...

Comment Re:An author of intricate detail (Score 1) 279

I agree that Martin was a better writer then Jordan .. I gave up reading WOT after book #9 (path of daggers), but I disagree that Martin was that much better. Some characters were amazing but some were just boooring. At this point I have a hard time motivating myself to care... I don't really remember what happened in the last book so I'm not sure I'll bother reading dance of dragons.. besides by now the bar is set higher with so many good new writers (Erickson, Lynch,Abercrombie etc) ps. now that Sanderson is finishing WOT I'm actually debating with myself whether I should finish reading the series ... If only I could skip books written by Jordan ...

Comment Re:We've been doing it for years. (Score 1) 89

People have been drilling in deep water in the Gulf of Mexico for decades, with admittedly a couple of nasty accidents but so far things have gone pretty well. And do you know what? No-one had oil spill prediction software when they started. They relied on the skill and experience of the people operating the rigs.
How reasonable does it sound now?

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