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Comment As long as there's real science (Score 4, Interesting) 224

Go ahead and go, go anywhere and everywhere...
But actually DO something once you get there, don't just go there to wave your dick around.

I'd really like to see a good sized radio telescope built on the far side of the moon, complete with relay lines to dishes at the terminus between near and far sides, so there's no accidental reflections from earth off of relay satellites instead.

Going further out than LEO would be good also...
I remember reading this PDF of a flight plan from around 40 years ago, where they wanted to send a crew further INTO the solar system, and actually intercept/orbit Venus, using apollo tech.

How about a small, self sufficient station at L3?
You'd need a couple of relay sats for comms, but that's a smaller cost than the station.

Alas, none of this will happen though, because we're too adverse to risk these days, and we wouldn't DARE send someone condemned to death out there instead, it'd de-demonize them (serial killer and first man on another planet?).
Plus, have you noticed that most of the studies about going into space for long periods of time involve seeing if people can do with limited to no social interaction?
Yeah, most of US can, but the ones they trust to send up there, CAN'T!
So we gotta settle for unmanned probes.

So fire off at least one every month.
Pick something to study: moon, planet, propulsion tech, comm tech, interstellar phenomenom (this one will take time and would need to be fast).
And if you need some tech to make sure it works (such as an RTG), and people complain about it, ignore them with extreme prejudice.

And more space telescopes!
Seriously, we have barely a handful pointing outwards, but probably hundreds (classified, guess, and hope you're not accurate) looking back down?

Comment DrDgaf (Score 2, Interesting) 114

Didn't read, don't give a fuck.
Building your own cluster can be done by any retard.

I've been looking into building one for myself, mainly for Blender and LuxRender.
Now, if there were CUDA/OpenCL versions for the above programs, the Zotac atom/nvidia-ion boards might be nice, expensive, but nice and low powered (or add PCI geforce 9500's, which would also work with my following idea (why the fuck won't they put a PCI-E/16 on these boards?))...
I've been looking into mini-itx mobos (off of Newegg, that mainly shows me zotac geforce 7 series),
and intel Wolfdale procs that the reviews say overclock to al least around 3.5G...
Add 4G of ram (or whatever the board will take), a gigabit switch, set up PXE or a command line only linux distro off of flash,,,

Building your own render farm is easy and cheap if you have half a clue as to what you're doing.
Oh,,, knowing where your circuit breakers are when setting it up will help too.

Comment Oh gods... (Score 1) 295

Can we just down-peg anything from Wired as "author has read too much cyberpunk"?

Yes, these issues have been anticipated.
no, your worrying about it will only cost you your time and life (stress).

OK, so some weird commands are supposed to make someone do something totally opposed to their basic character?
Sounds like 19th century hypnosis.
It was crap then, it's crap now.

Comment Woo Hoo! (Score 1) 229

First we get the unseens back,
now we get a new MW game, with the previous one FREE?!?

How many games hit a 25 year anniversary?
Now, how many hit it with a "we're not just here, we're not just expanding; but we're back, with 16 different kinds of vengance".

Hail Loren Coleman
Hail Randall Bills
Hail Herbie the love munch!

(For the unknowing, Loren is pretty much head author, Randall was the chief BT developer up until '07, now it's Herb Habeas, lord of nuclear weaponry.)
I hope I can hit gen con this year, this all fucking rocks.

Comment Resistance... (Score 1) 631

I hope it's just those drugs when mixed with acetaminophen.
Because there are some of us who develop a resistance to pain meds.
Being able to access the core medication without acetaminophen is still critical to many of us.

I get about 3 doses of something, then it never works again.
I've known this about myself since high school.
I most acutely experienced this about a decade ago after hernia surgery.
they tried giving me the same drug (didn't know this at the time, found out later by studying my medical record for that visit), by different delivery methods, with vastly different names (and sometimes not telling me what it was even for); but after the 3rd dose of whatever it was, that was it... It didn't work anymore.
Another painkiller was tried with the same results.
This was all noted in my med rec for that stay.

So, asprin, acetaminophen, ibuprophin,,, all worthless to me.
I've been purposely avoiding naproxen just in case I REALLY need it someday.

So if they want to cut something, cut the acetaminophen.
As others have noted, it's like purposely adding poison to otherwise helpful medications.
(think denatured alcohol during prohibition).

Comment Original purpose (Score 5, Interesting) 639

Originally, laws against child porn were passed under the assumption that a child was involved in a sex act "without their consent".
In other words, right up until back in the 70's, you could buy porn where "children" were "raped"
(note the use of quotations... both of those terms have changed since back then, a lot) in regular porn shops.

It was assumed, that spreading "child porn" meant that you had been involved in it's creation.
That's spurious to begin with, even 40 years ago.
The purpose of child porn laws was to prevent "sexual damage to children".

Now children aren't even needed... so there's no real crime (rape) being effected.

I know that you're thinking.
"People who like to watch 'underage' porn can't be stopped from acting on what they've seen"...
How much porn have you watched?
How much of it have you gone out and re-enacted?
Truth of it all, you've jerked off tons of times, then looked at the screen (or even live pussy), and said "Nah... I'm done".
I'm hearing crickets here.

"It makes it harder for law enforcement."...
Yeah, that's the constitution smacking you in the face with it's dick.
It's SUPPOSED to be harder for "law enforcement"; distrust of government is encoded into the constitution.

Comment Sooo... (Score 0) 147

We're tired of fighting with the people who "present" our stuff to the public...
(yeah, I don't really remember nor care who "published" Quake (1/2/3), it was id as far as I care, what are those other leaches giving us?).

Say "Quake".
Say "Doom".
Find someone who DOESN'T know SOMETHING about one of those two games (any version).

Zenimax looks to be a flash haven,
And what the hell has Bathesda done?
More Elder Scroll than Square has done FF?

It should have been the other way around...
Id acquires two waste-of-bits-game-companies.

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