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Comment Re:Much more primitive than we expect (Score 1) 648

It's all very well for you to get preachy sitting in a safe western home*. I should imagine the people living in poverty in Asia, Africa, and some parts of South America and Europe would all much rather we put our resources towards giving them a reasonable existence than this my-rocket-car-is-bigger-than-your-rocket-car nonsense.

*Ok, this is an assumption, but you're on Slashdot so it seems a fairly reasonable one.

Comment Re:From what I've heard, it really is that bad... (Score 1) 673

Of course, it's also pretty clear that Branson is angling for a handout here, not really deeply interested in science or public policy. He has a pretty big self-interest in convincing people that the cause of the shutdown was government overreaction, in which case the government should compensate the airlines; rather than having people believe that the shutdown was a necessary reaction to the volcanic eruption.

It is an interesting point though. European regulations, intended to stop airlines leaving passengers in the lurch because they over-booked a flight, have made airlines the insurers of last resort for people stranded due to natural disaster. The airlines have incurred a lot of costs, not just on lost business but also on having to pay for accommodation and food for their passengers while they've been stranded. They're also liable for reasonable alternative means of transport. There's a nice summary on the BBC.

While this is nice for passengers, the airlines themselves have no-one to lean on. As this is an act of God, the insurance won't pay out. The government closed the airspace, and is the normal insurer of last resort for natural disasters (see Chile, Haiti etc.). While the summary rags on "greedy airlines", this is not the fault of an airline having mis-judged its margins but an unprecedented restriction on normal business. I think that there is a good case, in moral terms, for at least having the EU refund the costs brought on by passenger rights legislation.

I'm not crticising the government for closing the airspace either, to clarify, I have nowhere near enough knowledge on volcanos or jet engines to form an opinion. I just think that we should note that the airlines have been forced into an uncomfortable, and I think unjust, position.

Comment Re:"very good messaging phones"... (Score 1) 278

A lot of people are complaining about SMS being expensive. I suspect this poster is in the UK or EU, but here in the UK an unlimited SMS plan costs the same as a data plan on most carriers and contracts (3 being the possible exception).

A data plan is only useful really if you have a smartphone. 1GB of WAP browsing? Thanks but not thanks. People here are still more likely to have a large or unlimited text allowance than a data plan, though that probably won't continue for much longer with the explosion of smartphones.

Comment Re:It was a farce... (Score 1) 384

The problem with PR is that it tends to come with party lists. Representatives become even more slavish to the party line than MPs are now, and independents don't stand a chance (particularly if you have a threshold). In principle, MPs are supposed to represent their constituents over the party.

I always admire the German Bundestagswahl system, with aspects of both. I believe the Scots use it in their parliament. I think the London Assembley operates on the same principle too.

Comment Re:It was a farce... (Score 1) 384

Exactly this.

I'm in Hammersmith, a notional marginal Labour/Conservative seat. I would rather have a Lib Dem MP, but they haven't a chance of winning, so I'll probably vote Tory because I'd rather have a Tory government than a Labour one. If we had STV I could codify this vote by voting Lib Dem, Tory, Labour*, or with PR I could vote Lib Dem knowing my vote would be counted. At the moment, voting Lib Dem means my vote has no impact on the governance of the country.

*I'd rather have Labour than UKIP, the BNP, the Greens, the English Democrats etc.

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