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Comment Not quite superhero but... (Score 1) 396

I'd love to see a Witchblade or The Darkness in live action + CGI form. The tech is obviously mature enough for it now. Get the people that worked on the design for the Alien/s/Predator movies props to make it look semi-realistic. Probably not iconic/popular enough for the mass audiences though. (possibly too dark for some as well.)

Comment Money (Score 1) 155

I don't think the article writer has any idea how much the waste costs to recycle. If the cost to extract the metals and whatnot is more than the price of them on the market, there is no financial incentive to recycle them. It's not like you just toss it in a wood chipper and centrifuge the stuff out.

Comment Re:Treatmen woo! (Score 1) 156

My sister who almost died from pancreatitis by doing just that would disagree with you. Did it to try to be healthier and lose weight at that. Triglycerides shot through the roof, pancreas swelled to the size of a large intestine with fluid that needed to have a drainage port surgically implanted. You clearly aren't a doctor or certified nutritionist.

Comment Re:Typical geeks... (Score 1) 486

Strange since they touched or blocked each camera at least once. They obviously knew they were there. Which makes me think they might have wanted the owner to know and see what they were doing. Either that or the cameras had some kind of auto-alarm if the signal blacks out for more than a few seconds. /$0.02

Comment hmm (Score 2) 1141

If "that's what the public wants the mayor to do" then the public wouldn't be buying ginormous sized beverages and thus there wouldn't be a problem in the first place. The fact that they are buying the large sodas means the public wants it. I can see slapping a warning on the side of the containers that say "Hey fatty, you keep drinking this much crap and you're going to die from diabeetus," but a ban seems to infringe on peoples' freedom of choice. (Unlike the bans on foie gras, there's no one torturing corn plants to make the soda.)

Comment Re:Even easier at self-serve checkouts (Score 1) 535

From my personal experience, the grocery stores are the only places I've encountered the self checkout lanes. When you don't put something on the scale after scanning it, the software pops up a display saying to place it on the scale with a button right beneath it to ignore it and continue ringing products up. The software messes up fairly frequently so the employees don't bat an eye. This would be trivially bypassed here.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
