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Comment Re:The *real* shame in all of this (Score 2, Interesting) 1122

Yea, now people will finally stop arguing for it and give solar, wind, etc. more attention. Awesome.
I'm sorry, but I'll never be a proponent for something that has a good chance of causing horrible diseases and mutations and birth defects, regardless of how good the technology protecting it is (you could blame Chernobyl on outdated and weak Soviet tech if you want, but a modern plant by the gods of technology, Japanese, is faring no better). And there is the matter of having to bury the leftovers for thousands of years.

Comment Google's blacklist is oddly weak (Score 2) 246

Just a few more in the list, and just as weak as their previous filtering attempts. Someone put up this site almost immediately when instant search came out and it points quite a lot of funny examples or words that do or don't get filtered very inconsistently. Mind you, if you enter "bit" it shows bitcomet (a bittorrent client), doesn't filter out eMule and other non-torrent P2P programs, and for "thep" or "pir" the first result is thepiratebay. Doesn't filter out any other trackers that I know of either. For autocomplete it's no different, even better - shows an ad for thepiratebay on top of the suggestions and lists more torrent clients.
Clearly it's not an effective censorship/filtering of any sort, which leads me to wonder why exactly is it that way. I doubt Google programmers are stupid and would miss a lot of obvious things. What's more likely is that they aren't comfortable with this either and try to block as little as possible - just enough to satisfy managers and/or companies complaining.

Comment Re:Picture thing (Score 1) 273

And don't forget a few more popular things... Like promoting a pretty picture or a poster for something by tagging every single one of your friends in random spots on it even though it has nothing to do with them. Or one of those pictures with a bunch of drawn faces or characters from somewhere or some other short description where you match each one with a friend. And all of these count

Comment Re:Auto-Installing *anything* needs to die. (Score 1) 284

We can all keep dreaming. It will happen around same time when programs will ask during install whether we actually want their quickstart/autoupdate services/startup items/tray icons.
I remember QuickTime used to bug me with installing one of those automatic programs (qttask?), which I had to either disable with some startup control utility or open the program and go through several hard to find screens of options to disable it (not explicitly either, it was rather disabling updates). Then newer versions (since around 2007) had an option during install whether to set the program to update automatically. Guess what? After making sure I select the right thing during install, on a clean new system, it would still run on startup with automatic updates set to 'on' in options. Haven't used the program for over a year now, so not sure if that bug (intentional or not) was ever fixed. I think that was the point when I lost the remains of my faith that friendly software installations will ever exist.

Comment Re:why would anyone BUY an illegal copy? (Score 1) 387

Ask that question of the dozens of people selling camrips and illegal copies of dvd's whom I see in the streets all the time. I guess people (customers) figure that this way they are breaking much less laws than the guys who actually bring camcorders to the cinema, burn the dvd's, or put them online for streaming - and do that with hundreds of titles instead of a couple. Which means they would be less likely of a target. And this articles proves them right.

Comment Re:Macs? (Score 1, Troll) 385

I tried Mac. I tried Linux. Hated them as much as Windows. I'm a sysadmin too. And the software is just as counter-intuitive, buggy, opaque etc. regardless of the system.
And I'm sorry, but installing stuff on Linux is not the cute story in the blog but an archaic pain of entering lines upon lines of commands into a terminal. Neither is uninstalling - I tried removing Firefox and had to click through more things that cleaning registry and folders on Windows would have. Oh, and it took down the UI with it.

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