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Comment You lost me (Score 0) 312

You lost me at the opinion that there has been nothing good on tv for a decade.

You really lost me at the "clever" renaming of DRM.

Then you made me laugh when the whole thing turned into a misdirected rant about why piracy is okay.

Did you actually have a point to this, or where you just using your undeserved soapbox to rabble-rouse a little bit?

Comment Re:Hold tech companies' feet to fire about H1-Bs (Score 0) 694

It's certainly true that there are a lot of you who believe that you have the right skills. I'll grant you that one. And it also seems to have a 1-to-1 correlation with people who believe they deserve some sort of high-paying tech job because they believe they have skills.

Too for you bad reality doesn't run on belief, huh?

Comment Re:BSD license (Score -1) 630

That's only true for the subset of freedoms endorsed by Mr Stallman. The BSD license enables additional freedoms that fit into things people may want to do with software that is specifically prohibited by the various GPLs.

In other words, please save your religions arguments for a forum that isn't likely to be populated with people who can see straight through your bullshit.

Comment Re:Idiot Status Reaffirmed (Score 0) 461

The fact that I have to explain this to you really illustrates the frustration of this whole gun control debate

Well, to be completely fair, your type appears to always be frustrated over the fact that your clearly superior opinions aren't taken as objective fact by everyone.

It must be terribly difficult to be so obviously correct all of the time and still not actually be the person anyone listens to. The horror! The horror!

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