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Comment Re:The 360 has exceeded all expectations? (Score 1) 207

Where do they admit that they spent 1 billion? I remember them committing to a warranty plan that somebody worked out could end up being a billion, but when did they say they actually reached that level of spending?

How about this and this?

It is *very* difficult to believe that if they truly hit 30%, they wouldn't stop the factories and nip that right away.

Sorry, perhaps it's your favorite console of all time, but that doesn't deny the truth. The first Xbox had to be killed in less than four years, and the second one is a distant 2nd place, with less than 2% bigger worldwide marketshare than the PS3. Spending so much money for a relatively low success rate would be very stupid, but Microsoft has always had a very long term vision and very deep pockets to help realize it.

Comment Nice business model (Score -1) 59

1. Program flaws into your own software. Hiding them is a lot easier with closed-source, by the way.
2. Look for corporate customers who will pay for the disclosure. It's not so underground anymore!
3. ????
4. Profit!

Seriously, I wonder how many of these so called "undisclosed software flaws" could be, or are actually programmed into existing software projects, just for the developers to claim the bounty later.

This is yet another reason to prefer Open Source software.

Comment I remember him for Sega's Seaman (Score 2) 165

I never really liked the original Star Trek series. But I remember Leonard Nimoy fondly as the voice of Seaman.

It was a really fun game, and his voice acting was pretty good and believable, even creepy at times. Too bad the sequel was never released in English.

Comment Not so different from any other development model (Score 1) 470

What is more puzzling is what the existence of two camps creating such huge codebases for a fundamental application type says about the whole state of open source development at this time. It clearly isn't the idealistic world it tries to present itself as."

How exactly is this different from, say, a developer or team of videogame developers, leaving a company they were fed up with, to create their own with new and fresh ideas for innovative and competitive products? Happens all the time.

Ah, yes, almost forgot this tiny difference: with open source software, the LibreOffice guys didn't have to start from scratch...

Comment Re:Things have changed. Get over it. (Score 1) 429

Disney tried to basically do the same thing with this movie, relying heavily on special effects. Unfortunately for them, and hopefully fortunately for the future of movie making, the movie-watching public may finally be getting to the point where cutting-edge technology is not enough to save bad movies.

Perhaps you didn't watch Avatar and you're not familiar with its worldwide box office success?

Unfortunately, you're wrong. Avatar's plot is much dumber than Tron's, yet the oh-so-amazing CGI and the 3D buzz it showcased made more than a billion dollars in profit. James Cameron wins.

People expecting an action film want to watch flashy stuff moving on the screen and won't care too much about the story. The truth is that the Tron movies just weren't flashy or catchy enough for the critics or the intended audience.

Comment Re:Sorry, no "dirty tricks" campaign here... (Score 1) 1060

Have you considered the fact that he looked extensively through all scenarios with several lawyers before deciding to turn himself in?

I think this will only strengthen his position. I believe the key to the insurance file and everything else WikiLeaks can do are not in his hands anymore. He's just the poster boy now making the news so that the whole movement stays relevant.

Considering the resiliency of their distributed network architecture, I would expect it to be the same for their people.

This is not a one-man army. Even if he goes down, he becomes a martyr and that can only make things better for him.

Comment Re:Oh yeah (Score 1) 215

Now, maybe they didn't leave it open specifically because they wanted people to write an open source driver, but if they had been serious about keeping it closed, they would have almost certainly given it a better attempt.

More like they couldn't afford to make a better attempt. Kinect already uses a lot of CPU from the console and has enough, noticeable lag as it is. Encrypting packets without dedicated hardware would certainly have an additional impact on performance.

Comment Re:CentOS parasitic business model? (Score 1) 228

CentOS is based upon RHEL's open source codebase, which you can get from Red Hat's FTP server. it's really just a repackaged RHEL, without Red Hat's branding. The primary users are those who want the benefits of a proven, stable distro without having to pay a subscription.

Its biggest shortcomings, however, are the lack of support and that it can fall pretty far behind RHEL in terms of updates and patches, even critical ones.

AFAIK, you could get some services and support from the community itself and some small companies, but most of the time (and you'll see it repeated many times in their forums) they will tell you to buy a RHEL subscription if you really want professional support and timely patches.

Comment Re:3DS screen on cell phone? (Score 3, Interesting) 131

As someone who played quite some time with the 3DS last june, I can say that I started to despise the now obsolete 2D display on my phone. And that, without taking the 3D camera into account.

The 3D effect is almost flawless. The "3D slider" which helps you adjust the degree of the effect, makes it perfectly usable for just about anyone.

I think it's pretty safe to say we're going to see news of a phone with 3D display soon after the 3DS launch.

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