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Comment Re:How can people expect... (Score 3, Insightful) 823

The biggest problem is that you NEVER know whether any study published is done this way or not.

Spoken like someone who has never actually read a scientific paper. Any paper I've seen will give you: (1) the historical context for why they are doing a study, (2) the assumptions made in doing the study, (3) details on the observational data and model used in completing the study, and (4) a RANGE of possible results. It is true that the media typically doesn't do a good job of reporting uncertainties, but don't accuse the scientists of sloppiness when you're completely unaware of what goes into a scientific paper.

Comment Re:So Give 'em What They Expect (Score 1) 459

You must be kidding me. All right, here's the scenario. Three 30 year olds walk into a bar. One looks about 20, one about 30, and the other about 40. You're the bartender. What do you do? 1. Ask the one who looks 20 for his ID, but not the other, thereby offending him. 2. Ask only the two who looks like they're under 40. 3. For goodness sake, just ask ALL three of them for their IDs and be done with it!

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
