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Comment Re:Good luck (Score -1) 77

They can't enforce it. It's so widespread. Microsoft's PR Agency in the UK have paid me thousands of pounds so far to tweet good things about Kinect. Of course i'm tweeting from a crib sheet, as I don't own a Xbox, nor would I after knowing what Microsoft get upto....

Submission + - Opera 11 Released with Tab Stacking and Extensions (

Zoidbot writes: Opera Software debuted the newest version of its award-winning browser today. Opera 11 combines elegant design, smart updates to some of our most popular features and new ways to customize Opera to your preferences. Download it today for Windows, Mac and Linux computers from

The best browser just got a whole lot better! Don't decide your browser selection based on market-share, base the decision on criteria like features, performance, stability, security.

Comment Thanks, but no thanks (Score -1) 120

Opera is still faster and more fully featured for me.

I'm 100% satisified that Opera 11 (beta) offers me the best of ALL worlds... I don't have to suffer suck performance and bloated nonsense (Firefox), I don't have to suffer Chromes lacklustre featureset or privacy issues either.

I get a browser, I get mail, RSS, IRC, news, BitTorrent and a tonne more stuff, and it's smaller than both Firefox and Chrome, and faster too... It also looks the best.

Comment Re:Less editorialization please (Score -1) 351

Android is outselling W7 by 15:1

And it's not going to get better, it's going to get worse. Android devices are getting better and more widespread by the day.

Microsoft need to stick to software, their hardware products are an embarrassment. Xbox, Kinect, WP7 all technical failures on a grand scale, the latter 2 being a commercial failure too.

Comment Re:A sure-fire way to make me HATE your product (Score -1) 450

Consumers buy what the television tells them to buy. Consumers are idiots.

Microsoft are spending half a billion dollars selling a broken Kinect system to idiots that are too stupid to decide on their own, and if sponsored spots on Oprah/Shopping Network/Whatever tell them to buy something, they will.

Comment Re:Memory hogging, CPU hogging. (Score -1) 238

All the good stuff (AdBlock+, NoScript, BookmarkSync, GreaseMonkey) is all built in, as is Mail, News, RSS, IRC, BitTorrent and loads more.

It's a smaller download than Firefox, faster, way more functional, more secure, more standards complaint too.

There is absolutely NO reason to suffer Firefox in this day and age.

PS. Give Opera 11 a shot, it's very stable, and is even more awesome than Opera 10.6x.

Comment So I have to ask (Score -1) 225

Is EVERY slashdot reader a pirate that never pays for anything? Sometimes it seems like every single American is just downloading illegal content all day long, and complaining when companies try and protect their revenue.

Clearly this can't go on. Expect a drop in investment in Movies/Music/Games/whatever if people continue to steal..

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