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Comment Simplify and conquer: X*0 or X/0 equal X (Score 1) 1067

I propose this solution, in the castle of math it just means switching a couple of different special cases, nothing more. But it certainly makes more sense. You are multiplying or dividing by a non quantity, thus you are not performing the operation and your X remains the same. Simple as pie. Another example of math confusion is including 2 in the prime number sequence. It's a mistake performed only to abide to preexisting dogmas. 2 is clearly an even number, the correct sequence is 1,2,3,5... etc. /end rant

Comment good luck (Score 1) 129

with starting a grassroots revolution that involves dismantling the status quo..... some tailored busting, false flag action..and off it goes... these tools are too powerful to be put in the hands of a government, no matter how 'nice'.

Comment another record (Score 0) 141

Thanks capitalism, infinite growth in a closed system ideas.... and all the 'screw this planet we going to enjoy endless singing in the rings of heaven when we die anyways' bandwagon... we are in a damn closed system, we should start to LIMIT things... think 10 times over before we embrace some crazy 'lets move 1 billions containers full of replicable goods trough the globe because we can'.... (and because the 1% just get wealthier ).... fuck all this.... we are playing Russian roulette with our heads everyday.... .. fucking sad human race...

Comment Re:Experiment not the problem (Score 2) 315

that Sir is so good!!!! I am so fed up of IFLS websites with their zealots approach... science and expecially physics is _experiment based_ if they send the bloody drive in space and it moves... then as you said we change the goddamn textbooks. I am so fed up of these new armchair crusaders.....if someone is smart or lucky enough to come up with a crazy but working experiment he doesn't necessarily have to be able to explain the whole theory behind it, that could be someone else job. Sorry zealots but reality wins...always.

Comment we doing it all wrong... (Score 1) 125

with a place like saudi arabia and all the bloody religious fanatic countries the ONLY thing we should export are BOOKS...books and fucking books again. And THEN after everyone damn reads them all and LEARN and understands how things works in a civilized world , we start to talk some actual business.... we are empowering states that if could have their way would bring humanity back to 1000AD... we are doing it thinking that we'll always have the upper hand....but if our side of the gear glitches.. I'lll be glad to see the heads of the military and politicians who enoforced these collaborations roll in the dust....

Comment thank you for spending my money on shit (Score 1) 184

/rant on fuck this crap, people... fuck all this military shit...seriosuly..we need other things in this world, not this nonsense... we could have free housing and food for everyone...they are not privileges..they are what everyone needs and should have. Work is just slavery and you know that, money is the ultimate enslavement tool. Wake up people.... fuck the 1% and their war shit.. and fuck religion fanatics too...

Submission + - A thumbs-up for NSA Internet spying on foreigners... (washingtonpost.com)

Mr_Nitro writes: WASHINGTON — Endorsement of the NSA’s Internet surveillance programs by a bipartisan privacy board deeply disappointed civil liberties activists Wednesday while providing a measure of vindication for beleaguered U.S. intelligence officials.

Comment what I really find disguisting... (Score 0) 304

is that less than 100 years ago oceans were absolutely pristine... and now we know the dangers of our actions and yet the legislators and politics which should be our public servants and represent the global voice of the people are ignoring the situation and taking only weak and localized actions. Where are we heading? Waiting for a random natural bacterial mutation to solve all our problems? Is it still a matter of 'faith' with humans? 'Someone' / ' something' will take care of it... We should change radically remove all our current ruling class and do the best we can with our only Planet, cease this totally insane tribal 'economy' driven society and do only what's best to live in a balance with the environment. We are little men that can only build a fleet of massive solar powered cleaning boats if someone move some paper and numbers in a computer to allocate 'xxx' billions in some bank account. This is so insane.....

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