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Comment A little late to the game (Score 1) 348

While it's a smaller market (and yes, it is. Way. A number 1 bestseller is barely worth a neilson point) it's already pretty fragmented. It's good that they're trying and perhaps with some luck they can get somewhere, but we're already talking post-itune/zune/et al universe compared to music. Nothing works well with anything else, except of course, if you don't pay for it and just pirate or stick to only the material specifically for your device. As usual, legal works need to be at least as good as their pirated counterparts to those who buy them, as in "if both of these were free and legal, I'd have no preference".

Submission + - 4G: is it worth the hype? (skunkpost.com)

crimeandpunishment writes: Cell phone companies are about to bombard us with advertising for the next big thing: 4G access. The first 4G phone, Spring Nextel's EVO, comes out this week. But just how big is 4G? Is it fast enough to warrant the hype, or are consumers better off waiting a while? Associated Press technology writer Peter Svensson looks at the difference between 4G and 3G technology.

Comment Re:Maybe I'm missing something (Score 4, Interesting) 663

Teaching foundations is obviously the most important thing, and yes, you can do that well in many languages. BUT while you learn the foundations, you get the bonus of getting comfortable in one or more languages as you write in them. Which one(s) should you use this bonus on? Pascal? Not thinking that's wise. For the record, my school used modula2/3 and ML for functional until later when everything went to C/C++. I would have much rather gotten further comfort in C/C++ and Lisp to start with, seeing as they're actually somewhat used and the basics don't change anyway.

Comment There's still the kids. (Score 1) 502

and other non-techies. I theory, there's no reason my kids and wife couldn't just pull up what they want to watch like a normal person and in fact they do - even my six year old watch cartoons online, movies off the wii, etc. But they're still used to the DJ-style background mix of cable, and with eight TVs there's no cohesive way to play "anything, even if it's crap" on all of them. Nor does there seem to be way to get "whatever is on" pandora style for TV - it's all on all the time, more choices then they'd like. They still also listen to terrestrial radio, even though there is sat and mp3 with everything on it, because they don't feel like getting stuck trying to pick and just want whatever is on.

Comment A lot of people still live without 3g (Score 1) 157

..but still expect to be able to log in. I can almost sort of live without internet access, but not really. But a 3g subscription is out of my my league by a long shot, especially seeing as I'm the new lower-middle class. I code like a small farmer, enough to get by but not stacking chips. I rarely go anywhere much and every place I'd stay for any length of time would has wifi anyway. Hard to justify a 3g modem. More and more people stay in one place (or a half dozen places) that have wifi anyway now that their friends have wifi and can hand you a password right off the bat if you need it, yet somehow would like net on the road without parking outside McD.

Porn Virus Blackmails Victims Over "Copyright Violation" 222

FishRep writes with this excerpt from the BBC: "A new type of malware infects PCs using file-share sites and publishes the user's net history on a public website before demanding a fee for its removal. The Japanese trojan virus installs itself on computers using a popular file-share service called Winni, used by up to 200m people. It targets those downloading illegal copies of games in the Hentai genre, an explicit form of anime. Website Yomiuri claims that 5,500 people have so far admitted to being infected. The virus, known as Kenzero, is being monitored by web security firm Trend Micro in Japan. Masquerading as a game installation screen, it requests the PC owner's personal details. It then takes screengrabs of the user's web history and publishes it online in their name, before sending an e-mail or pop-up screen demanding a credit card payment of 1,500 yen (£10) to 'settle your violation of copyright law' and remove the webpage."
Operating Systems

Sony Refuses To Sanction PS3 "Other OS" Refunds 396

Stoobalou writes "Sony says that it has no intention of reimbursing retailers if they offer users partial refunds for fat PS3s. Last week, the first PS3 user successfully secured a partial refund from Amazon UK as compensation for the removal of the ability to run Linux on the console. The user quoted European law in order to persuade the online retailer that the goods he had bought in good faith were no longer fit for his purposes because of the enforcement of firmware update 3.21, which meant that users who chose to keep the Other OS functionality would lose the ability to play the latest games or connect to the PlayStation Network."

Submission + - The Spy at Harriton High (blogspot.com) 2

An anonymous reader writes: stryde.hax delivers a detailed look into the software involved in the alleged spying incident in PA. Among the findings are a detailed interview with a high school network tech describing the operation of the spyware, forum postings by school personnel, and a reverse engineering effort of the spyware client and server. Will the school's claim that the capability was never used hold up to this new flood of primary evidence?

Comment Re:ER... Why? (Score 2, Insightful) 766

I'm considering something similar because frankly, XP3 catches weird things all the time (and while cleaning windows viruses has a homey retro feel, I don't want to do it all the time) and their hardware isn't really up to running vista or W7. But.. Then they're very used to windows and it'll while the product is free (and good) I'm not signing up to educate/support people for all eternity. Not trying to be obnoxious, but we can't prop up XP forever and not everyone, especially people who consider their computers more of a tool then a beloved friend, can keep their hardware super new.

Comment Good deal (Score 3, Interesting) 312

About damn time. I feel a bit pumped that the tide is shifting here, the things we know are immoral are starting to get called on why they're done, even with the best of intentions. There is a slight drift toward "if it's wrong it's wrong and if you had good reasons for it, we'd like to hear them. Don't worry if you need to state them at length, we'll go over them. A lot. Expect follow-up questions". I'm under no illusions that this will change that much, but I'm excited about the direction things seem to be taking and the realizations people seem to be having looking at the other options *couch*china*cough*.

Comment Like people need another reason to not use legit (Score 2, Insightful) 424

Content and components developed and made by legitimate providers should, in theory, be better then simply just DLing, connecting the HDMI to your laptop and calling it a day. That's of course a pipe dream - pirated components and content is always going to be slightly better, but is this really the time to make the legit side even worse? I've been hearing they're not exactly tolling in dough and this won't really hurt anyone willing to use non-licensed components, only those who bother to actually pay them (otherwise known as the last people you want to alienate further).

Comment Re:Ha, he should get a medal (Score 1) 402

Or, get this, perhaps you could negotiate some of that dept away by trading for investments you're not going to use anymore anyhow. Perhaps with some agreements made to continue fixing this clusterfuck until we can sort of just get things done rather then rather then both continue to build bigger sticks.

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