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Comment Re:At least it's an opportunity for psych science (Score 1) 1046

Hundreds of voices protest that the word "trick" is widely used for legitimate data manipulations.

So "hiding the decline" (i.e., tree ring data which does NOT support AGW) is "legitimate data manipulation"?

ESR looked at the CRU code, and described it as "blatant data cooking". Is that "legitimate data manipulation", too?

Comment Re:That's change I can believe in (Score 1, Insightful) 244

The irony is, if the left wing actually supported the right on some of their basic rights issues, they would get another break on government power.

(note the Left's current guffaws over the non-prosecution of the white guys who brutally beat a black man in St. Louis 3 months ago)

Comment no surprise here (Score 1) 203

When robbery is permitted (or, at least, can be carried out with little risk) it will flourish, since it's easier to steal something than to create it. This is why Somali pirates are so successful at present.

The enactment of "loser pays" laws would reduce this activity by increasing the cost of this sort of theft.

Comment Re:Brothers in Suckitude (Score 1) 134

Perhaps they're praising Newegg because they're happy with it? I don't work for Newegg, but I buy my parts almost exclusively from them.

Meanwhile, I go to TigerDirect only if they have a component at an unbeatable price (which hasn't happened in 2-3 years). I won't buy complex products from them, after buying 2 Shuttle computers which were DOA (the "Direct" in TigerDirect means "Direct from the factory, so contact THEM about returns, not us" - and the factory never responded to phone calls or emails), and a Vivitar photo/video camera which died after a couple of months.

Comment Re:Go Obama (Score 1) 1505

Fiscally responsible? What alternate dimension do you hale from?

Oh, I know - you're looking at his "saving 100M by buying in bulk plan", not his "jacking up spending by hundreds of billions" plan.

Corporations ARE paying taxes, idiot! And the current pigs in Congress are far more profligate than the pre-2007 ones were.

Obama will pile on almost as much debt in ONE year as Bush piled on in EIGHT, so it's utterly asinine of you to grant the Fascist President (tm) the mantle of "fiscal responsibility".

Comment Re:Federal overreaching their powers (Score 1) 780

I knew a lot of Bush-bashers were idiotic, but this takes the cake!

This is the OBAMA era, where a fascist president threatens hedge fund managers if they don't agree to his planned theft of billion of dollars to benefit his political supporters.

This bill (which was introduced on April 2nd, NOT in the "Bush-era") is sponsored by Democrats. If it passes, it will be passed by Democrats and signed by a Democrat president.

Comment Re:a bunch of models in line for an audition (Score 1) 898

you know it's true, the same thing happened when a car on the street overheated and the radiator started venting.

If you had seen multiple cars with venting radiators which then exploded, killing hundreds of passersby, you might have a less sanguine reaction to another such car.

The funny thing is, where were they running to and why did they think the plane was going to hit them if they didn't move?

Yeah, it's not as if there'd be flying debris from a crash or a collapsing building. And of course everybody knows a hijacking pilot wouldn't suddenly dive the airliner into the ground (in spite of the occasions where that HAS happened).

Comment Re:success! (Score 1) 898

Given an average American's lifespan bugs are more dangerous than terrorists.

That's true if there are no more terrorist attacks here. That's a silly presumption, given the current climate ("apologize to the world for our efforts, prosecute the interrogators and revert to the pre-9/11 policy of treating terrorists like ordinary criminals").

I'd keep quiet about mosquitoes if I were you - the Left opposes the most effective method of fighting the pests in third world countries.

Comment Re:Performance art (Score 1) 898

This was performance art by the Obama administration, the better to show people what paranoid idiots they are.

Indeed - people are paranoid idiots when they see an unusual event which looks a lot like a previous event, and suspect it may have the same result.

I'm sorry, but this time you are the idiot.

Comment Re:Tsk, tsk (Score 1) 546

No, Obama made sure to give the _impression_ that his campaign was funded entirely by us the citizens.

Since basic credit card verification was deliberately disabled on web sites taking donations for Obama, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know who funded his campaign. Search the web for "Doodad Pro" if you seek enlightenment.

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