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Comment Re:It's copyright infringement, not theft! (Score 1) 235

No, its a discussion on whether what happened is correct. Nobody stole anything from me and I consider the clones to be the creation of a new genre.

I mean seriously, do you actually base your values on what the laws say? If not, then why in the hell would you have a problem discussing things outside of the law? If you don't think its something worth discussing then why the hell did you read all the way down the thread and post?

Comment Re:Time Machine (Score 1) 441

The point of the matter is, however, that institutional hypersensitivity(schools and businesses) is quite different to you being able to say what you want. If its an institution with democratic controls such as the school system, there is an acceptable mechanism for you to fight what you see as hypersensitivity. If there isn't, its still just a PR move. If the PR move ends up costing public sentiment then the institution will rectify that situation.

In the specific case of Thanksgiving, its a Christian rite that is celebrated to give thanks to God. It has morphed into something quite different. Hypersensitivity as it pertains to endorsing the Christian religion is understandable. Maybe not correct in this particular case since its a national holiday, but understandable. If it troubles you enough though, go start a fight with the school board about it.

Bottom line, this so called Political Correctness has no bearing on you saying what you want to say. Its a false concept.

Comment Re:Time Machine (Score 1) 441

Censoring yourself in fear of offending a third party is part of being able to be a functioning human being in society. It is not a particular aspect of some new "political correctness." Thats the argument I'm making.

You also have to understand, how others perceive you is an important factor of how you act and perceive yourself. What I'm trying to say is "censorship" regarding offending people is a default state, not an exceptional one. Due to this it shouldn't really be labeled censorship in casual conversation.

In addition, you shouldn't be surprised if individuals react negatively to you if you offend them. You would actually be extremely stupid to believe otherwise. The idea that this sort of thing is some sort of special brand of insidious thought is ludicrous.

Comment Re:I see it coming... (Score 1) 419

This sort of shit is cutting edge though, and mental health + popsci just ends fucking bad. If you're diagnosed by a Psychologist, then cool. If you're diagnosed by a GP, I'd recommend getting diagnosed by a psychologist. If you're diagnosed by yourself or some asshat on the Internet, you weren't diagnosed. Mental health is a complex field, and amateurs running around giving recommendations is about as conductive to things as it is in the medical field. Namely you end up with shit like chellation therapy and the anti-vax movement.

Comment Re:If they thrive on predicatable, monotonous work (Score 3, Insightful) 419

Seriously, these guys shouldn't be jumping on a psychological disorder and claiming everyone has it. What they're looking for is the theory of multiple intelligences. A psychological disorder by definition has a significant impact on your everyday functioning, normally to the point where you can't work or go to school as a normal person. But what else do you expect from a guy who performs mental health diagnosis on celebrities?

Comment Re:Time Machine (Score 0, Offtopic) 441

The African-American shit was just some semantic shit to try and stem the screwiness of racism. Pretty much none of those words work.

Homosexuality is not a religion, Christianity is. You're comparing apples and oranges, just to be an asshole. Kids learn about Christianity in history class with the rest of the major religions and some of the dead ones, as it should be. If you want homosexuality to be treated as a religion, propose an amendment to the constitution.

Comment Re:Time Machine (Score 0, Offtopic) 441

No, Cromar has it on the money. Black is not a bad word, its the context you use Black in that can be offensive. What I find hilarious about these anti-PC folks is that they want to be able to say what they want, but when people call them out for being a fuckhead, suddenly its censorship. "Well I don't find offensive what you find offensive, so your arguments are invalid!" Give me a fuckin' break.

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